mat990 - Mathematics for Economists (Complete module description)

mat990 - Mathematics for Economists (Complete module description)

Original version English PDF download
Module label Mathematics for Economists
Module code mat990
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Institute directory Department of Mathematics
Applicability of the module
  • Bachelor's Programme Business Administration and Law (Bachelor) > Basiscurriculum Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics (Bachelor) > Aufbaucurriculum-Wahlbereich Mathematik
  • Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration (Bachelor) > Basismodule
  • Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics (Bachelor) > Grundlagen-/Basiscurriculum
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration (Bachelor) > Basismodule
Responsible persons
  • Lehrenden, Die im Modul (authorised to take exams)
  • Modulverantwortlichen, Die (authorised to take exams)
  • May, Angelika (module responsibility)
Skills to be acquired in this module
Students internalize basic mathematical concepts and methods from analysis and matrix calculation and their applications in economics.

Professional competence
The students:
  • are proficient in the mathematical fundamentals relevant to economics
  • master methods for solving equations and inequalities
  • master differential calculus for one and two variables and can integrate
  • are able to reliably determine local and global extreme points for functions of one and two variables.

Methodological competence
The students:
  • analyse formal contexts
  • understand the formal mathematical language
  • structure problems from the economic sciences and justify their solutions.

Social competence
The students:
  • construct solutions to given problems in groups
  • accept criticism and see it as an aid.

The students:
  • reflect their actions in establishing solutions
  • deepen the presented mathematical concepts in exercises and add them to their actions.
Module contents
Basics in real Arithmetic, Rules for Matrix Arithmetic
Linear equations, linear inequalities and systems of those, quadratic equations, financial mathematics (interest rates and present values, pension calculation)
Calculus for functions of one variable: derivation rules for power functions, exp and ln, indefinite integral,
applications of integral calculus (density function, ordinary differential equations),
single-variable optimization (stationary points, extreme-value theorem, local and global extreme points),
Approximation methods (linear approximation, Taylor series with Lagrange remainder)
Functions of two variables (partial derivatives, total differential), Tools for comparative statics : (elasticity of substitution, homogeneous and homothetic functions), multivariable optimization tasks (local and global extremes, extremes under constraints)
Recommended reading
Kursbuch: Sydsaeter, K.; Hammond, P. & Böker, F. (2010): Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. München: Pearson.

Karmann, A. (2008): Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (6. Aufl.). München: Oldenbourg.
Unger, T. & Demps, S. (2010): Lineare Optimierung. Wiesbaden: Vieweg.
Dempe, S. & Schreier, H. (2006): Operations Research. Wiesbaden: Vieweg.
Language of instruction German
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency annual
Module capacity unlimited
Reference text
Type of course Comment SWS Frequency Workload of compulsory attendance
Lecture 2 WiSe 28
Exercises 2 WiSe 28
Total module attendance time 56 h
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module
zum Ende der Vorlesungszeit
written exam