wir878 - Public Economics and Market Design (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)
Modulbezeichnung | Public Economics and Market Design |
Modulkürzel | wir878 |
Kreditpunkte | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h |
Einrichtungsverzeichnis | Department für WiRe (VWL) |
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls |
Zuständige Personen |
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen | none |
Kompetenzziele | The students are able
Modulinhalte | The course covers key concepts of public economics, which studies how government taxing and spending activities affect the economy, economic efficiency and the distribution of income and wealth Lecture: After introducing the theory and methodology of public economics, we discuss a historical and theoretical overview of the public sector. We then focus on departures from efficiency (especially asymmetric information), taxation issues (including tax evasion, fiscal federalism and tax competition among independent jurisdictions), and the intertemporal issue of social security (especially pension system). Finally, an introduction into market design is provided, with a focus on applications in the public sector. Seminar: covers current issues in public economics, e.g. reform of health care or pension system. |
Literaturempfehlungen | Hindriks, J. and G. D. Myles (2013): Intermediate Public Economics, MIT Press, Cambridge. Haeringer, G. (2018): Market Design: Auctions and Matching, MIT Press, Cambridge. |
Links | |
Unterrichtsprachen | Deutsch, Englisch |
Dauer in Semestern | 1 Semester |
Angebotsrhythmus Modul | jährlich |
Aufnahmekapazität Modul | 30 |
Hinweise | The seminar will be conducted as a block seminar |
Modulart | Pflicht o. Wahlpflicht / compulsory or optional |
Lehr-/Lernform | Lecture and seminar |
Lehrveranstaltungsform | Kommentar | SWS | Angebotsrhythmus | Workload Präsenz |
Vorlesung und Seminar | 2 | SoSe | 28 | |
Seminar | 2 | 28 | ||
Präsenzzeit Modul insgesamt | 56 h |
Prüfung | Prüfungszeiten | Prüfungsform |
Gesamtmodul | At the end of the lecture period |
Portfolio |