psy140 - Minor (Complete module description)

psy140 - Minor (Complete module description)

Original version English PDF download
Module label Minor
Module code psy140
Credit points 9.0 KP
Workload 270 h
Institute directory Department of Psychology
Applicability of the module
  • Master's Programme Neurocognitive Psychology (Master) > Mastermodule
Responsible persons
  • Bleichner, Kerstin (Module counselling)
  • Rieger, Jochem (Module counselling)
Enrolment in Master's programme Neurocognitive Psychology. Module psy140 is only relevant for students who started their studies before winter term 19/20. (All other students study module psy141.)
Skills to be acquired in this module
**Goals of module:** Students will gain an overview of non-psychological topics related to cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology. They will see how psychological theories apply in other fields. Students can strengthen their own professional profile. **Competencies** ++ interdisciplinary kowledge & thinking
Module contents
Students can take Master modules and courses from the fields • Biology • Neurosciences • Computer Science • Physics • Mathematics • Pedagogy • Philosophy • related fields The content of the courses/modules taken as Minor needs to be clearly different from the contents of the Neurocognitive Psychology modules. A list of approved courses/modules can be found on our website. Upon approval, German-speaking students can attend a career-relevant language course (i.e. necessary for internship, practical project or Master's thesis; maximum of 6 CP for this module). Students whose first language is not German, may take German classes. We recommend taking modules/courses that strengthen your own professional profile.
Recommended reading
List of approved courses/modules and approval form:
Languages of instruction English , German
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency irregular
Module capacity unlimited
Reference text
PLEASE NOTE: • If you want to take a module/course which is not listed in the list of approved courses/modules, please request approval BEFORE you start the course/module (list of approved courses/modules and approval form can be found on our website) • Bachelor level courses are NOT acceptable. Note that Bachelor level courses can be listed in some Master programmes (e.g. Master of Education). This does not qualify a Bachelor level course for the Minor module. • It is your responsibility to ask the teacher whether you can take part.
Type of module Pflicht / Mandatory
Module level MM (Mastermodul / Master module)
Teaching/Learning method Lectures and seminars (depends on the chosen modules)
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module
If grades are earned in the minor, those are counted as pass/fail. Certificates for grades can be separately requested from the examination office.
Type of course Course or seminar
Please refer to the module description for information on the courses you can have counted towards psy140 Minor.
Frequency SuSe and WiSe