pre113 - Photovoltaic Systems (Complete module description)

pre113 - Photovoltaic Systems (Complete module description)

Original version English PDF download
Module label Photovoltaic Systems
Module code pre113
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h

180 Stunden

Institute directory Institute of Physics
Applicability of the module
  • Master's Programme Engineering Physics (Master) > Schwerpunkt: Renewable Energies
  • Sustainable Renewable Energy Technologies (Master) > Mastermodule
Responsible persons
  • Agert, Carsten (module responsibility)
  • Knipper, Martin (module responsibility)
  • Agert, Carsten (authorised to take exams)
  • Knipper, Martin (authorised to take exams)
  • Behrendt, Tanja (authorised to take exams)
  • Torio, Herena (authorised to take exams)
Skills to be acquired in this module

After successful completion of the module students should be able to:

·         categorize and feature different PV systems

o    PV on-grid,

o    PV off-grid / stand alone,

o    PV-pumping,

o    PV-hybrid
by their setup and by standard quality indicators.

·         explain the operation principles of the listed PV systems

·         explain concepts behind PV system design

·         design a photovoltaic system by Fermi Estimate

·         design a photovoltaic system by a simulation software

·         be aware of the limitation of both design methods

·         discuss energy flow diagrams of PV systems

·         describe in depth involved balance of system components e.g.

o    inverter,

o    charge controllers

o    cabling

o    generator stand

storage battery with a focus on housing (ventilation)

Module contents

This specialization module covers more in-depth topics concerning photovoltaics systems.


The module consists of:


Photovoltaic Systems Lecture (90h workload)

Description and operation of PV System’s balance of system components

o    inverter,

o    charge controllers

o    cabling

o    generator stand

o    storage battery with a focus on housing (ventilation)

Quality indicators for PV Systems and their regional differences

o    PV on-grid,

o    PV off-grid / stand alone,

o    PV-pumping,

o    PV-hybrid

Sizing of PV systems – back of the envelope approach as well as by a simulation software


Photovoltaic Systems Seminar (90h workload)

Within the seminar groups of up to five students select a PV system related research question, work on the solution and present their findings.

In addition, external PV experts are invited to present from their work experience.

An excursion to a PV power plant concludes the lessons learned in the field.

Recommended reading

·         S. Hegedus, A. Luque, Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, published John
         Wiley and Sons (2nd Edition 2011)

·         C.B.Honsberg and S.G.Bowden, “Photovoltaics Education Website,”,
          2019,, Access
          date 21/07/2021

·         Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Solarenergie, Planning and installing photovoltaic systems: a
          guide for installers, architects and engineers. Earthscan, London, Third Edition, 2013
         (ISBN-13: 978-1849713436)

-        Heinrich Haeberlin, Photovoltaics: System Design and Practice, John Wiley and Sons, First
          Edition, Chichester, 2012.(ISBN-13: 978-1119992851)

·         Konrad Mertens, Photovoltaik, Lehrbuch zu Grudlagen, Technologie und Praxis, 5.
          Aktualisierte Auflage

·         GSES, Off-Grid PV Systems – Design and Installation, first edition international, April 2020

-         Lecture notes for the respective courses


Language of instruction English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency
Module capacity unlimited
Type of module Wahlpflicht / Elective
Module level SPM (Schwerpunktmodul / Main emphasis)
Teaching/Learning method Lecture, Exercise, Seminar & Excursion
Lecture: 2hrs/week
Seminar: 2hrs/week
Previous knowledge It is desirable to have passed the lecture Photovoltaics 5.06.M121
Type of course Comment SWS Frequency Workload of compulsory attendance
Lecture 2 SuSe or WiSe 28
Seminar 2 SuSe or WiSe 28
Total module attendance time 56 h
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module

Throughout the Semester

Presentation: Between 20 and 45 minutes and regular active participation