inf191 - Special Topics in Practical Computer Science II (Complete module description)

inf191 - Special Topics in Practical Computer Science II (Complete module description)

Original version English PDF download
Module label Special Topics in Practical Computer Science II
Module code inf191
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Institute directory Department of Computing Science
Applicability of the module
  • Master's Programme Computing Science (Master) > Praktische Informatik
Responsible persons
  • Peter, Andreas (module responsibility)
  • Vogel-Sonnenschein, Ute (module responsibility)
  • Lehrenden, Die im Modul (authorised to take exams)

No participant requirements

Skills to be acquired in this module

The module aims to integrate current developments in the field of Practical Informatics into the course of study in the appropriate course forms.

Subject competences
The students:

  • differentiate and contrast a subarea of practical computer science in more detail
  • recognize and assess the techniques and methods to be applied in the special field of the course and their limits
  • identify, structure and solve problems also in new or emerging areas of their discipline
  • recognize the limits of current knowledge and technology and contribute to the further scientific and technological development of computer science
  • discuss current developments in practical computer science and assess their significance
  • critically follow further developments in the special field discussed in the course.

Methodological competencies
The Students:

  • apply state-of-the-art and innovative methods in the reserarch and solution of problems, drawing on other disciplines where appropriate
  • investigate problems on the basis of technical and scientific literature,
  • write an article according to scientific criteria, and present their results in a scientific talk
  • reflect on problems, including those in new or emerging areas of practical computer science, and apply computer science methods to investigate and solve them
  • plan time schedules and other resources
  • develop and reflect on their own theories on independently generated hypotheses

Social Skills
The Students:

  • will communicate persuasively orally and in writing with users and professionals
  • will solve tasks goal-oriented in a team

The students:

  • deepen their self-organization skills
  • reflect self-critically on their actions and skills in the special field under consideration and assess them appropriately
Module contents

In this module, content and methods on current topics in practical computer science are taught.

For details on objectives and contents, please refer to the details of the assigned course or contact the lecturers directly

Recommended reading

depending on the course assigned

Languages of instruction German, English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency irregular
Module capacity unlimited
Teaching/Learning method VA aus V, Ü, S, P
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module

Am Ende der Vorlesungszeit nach Absprache mit dem Lehrenden

Fachpraktische Übungen oder Referat oder mündliche Prüfung

Type of course Course selection
Frequency see frequency of module offering
Workload attendance time 56 h