pre311 - Renewable Energy Basics (Complete module description)

pre311 - Renewable Energy Basics (Complete module description)

Original version English PDF download
Module label Renewable Energy Basics
Module code pre311
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Institute directory Institute of Physics
Applicability of the module
  • Master's Programme European Master in Renewable Energy (EUREC) (Master) > Mastermodule
Responsible persons
  • Agert, Carsten (module responsibility)
  • Peinke, Joachim (module responsibility)
  • Behrendt, Tanja (Module counselling)
  • Knecht, Robin (Module counselling)
  • Holtorf, Hans-Gerhard (Module counselling)
  • Ohland, Jörg (Module counselling)
  • Ziethe, Paul (Module counselling)
Skills to be acquired in this module
After completing the module, the student will
- have a good understanding of the physical principles of Renewable Energy Technologies
- be able to apply principal mathematics related with the underlying physical laws and rules to measure and solve problems during their further studies
- have a good understanding of the fundamentals of electrical circuits and related physical laws
- have a good understanding of the fundamentals of electrical machines and the interaction of electrical components of the electric grid
- have a good understanding of the basic concepts of the photovoltaic effect in semi-conductors
- be familiar with the measurement procedures needed for the winter lab experiments in the subject related modules.
- be familiar with working and studying in intercultural teams
- be familiar with the experimental set-ups of the PPRE lab
- understand to relate physical, engineering, and mathematical laws to models of energy supply technologies.
- be able to establish simple models and measurement strategies to investigate the behaviour of the respective models.
- be familiar with the principles of scientific working
Module contents
Renewable Energy Basics
- Thermodynamics
- Hydrodynamics
- Black and Grey Body Radiation
- Property of (humid) air
- Heat Transfer
- Economic Evaluation of Investments
Winter Introductory Laboratory
- Simple electrical circuits
- Inner resistance of power sources
- Measurement of time depending signals
- Measurement of temperature and radiation
- Introduction of standard sensors in radiation and temperature measurement
- Introduction of measurement devices: multimeter, oscilloscope, x-t-writer
Electrical Power Systems
- Fundamentals in AC/DC
- Fundamentals of magnetic fields
- Transformers
- DC machines
- Asynchronous-machines
- Synchronous machines
Semi-Conductor Physics
- Definition of semi-conductor
- Crystal Lattice
- Atom models
- Chemical bonding
- Quantum mechanics
- Photoelectric effect
- pn-Junction
- Solar cell
Recommended reading
Borgnakke, Claus, Sonntag, Richard E. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, ISBN 978-0470041925.
Grote, Karl-Heinrich, Fedhusen, Jörg, Dubbel, Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau, ISBN 978-3-642-17305-9, Springer Verlag
Kittel, Charles, 1986: Introduction to Solid State Physics; John Wiley & Sons.
Labuhn, Dirk, Rombert, Oliver, Keine Panik vor Thermodynamik, ISBN 978-3-8348-0180-7, Vieweg,
Merz, Hermann, 2002: Electric machines and drives, fundamentals and calculation examples for beginners; VDE-Verlag.
Mukund Patel, 1999: Wind and Solar Power Systms, CRC Press, London
Nahvi, Mahmood & Edminister, Joseph, 2003: Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits; 4th ed., McGraw-Hill.
Oelert, Gerhard, Economic issues of renewable energy systems : a guide to project planning; ISBN, Roßdorf TZ Verlag
Sørensen, Bent, 2003: Renewable energy. Its physics, engineering, use, environmental impacts, economy and planning aspects; 2nd ed., Acad.Press.
Taylor, John Robert, 1997: An introduction to error analysis the study of uncertainties in physical measurements; Univ. Science Books; Sausalito, Calififornia; 2. ed..
Twidell, John & Weir, Tony, 2006: Renewable Energy Resources; reprint of 1st ed., Taylor& Francis.
General books on experimental laboratory work and report writing:
Kirkup, Les, 1994: Experimental methods
an introduction to the analysis and presentation of data; Brisbane, Wiley.
Kulschewski, Udo, Knecht , Robin and colleagues, update 2013: Reader for the Introductory Lab Course: AC/DC principles, fast signals, power, measurement strategies, sensors in RE and measurement devices
Language of instruction English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency jährlich
Module capacity unlimited
Type of module Pflicht
Module level MM (Mastermodul)
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module
RE Basics Physics: After end of lectures (end of October)
Semiconductor Physics: After end of lectures (mid-December)
Electrical Power Systems: After end of lectures (mid-January)
Solar Spectrum Lab: During Semester
RE Basics Physics (25%): Oral exercise (1 hour)
Semiconductor Physics (25%): Written exam (0.5 hours)
Electrical Power Systems (25%): Written exam (0.5 hours)
Solar Spectrum Lab (25%): Written report (10 - 20 pages)
Type of course Seminar