neu760 - Scientific English (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)
Modulbezeichnung | Scientific English |
Modulkürzel | neu760 |
Kreditpunkte | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h
( 0,5 SWS Lecture (VO) |
Einrichtungsverzeichnis | Department für Neurowissenschaften |
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls |
Zuständige Personen |
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen | |
Kompetenzziele | + Neurosci. knowlg.
Modulinhalte | Lectures cover |
Literaturempfehlungen | |
Links | |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Dauer in Semestern | 1 Semester |
Angebotsrhythmus Modul | annually, semester break |
Aufnahmekapazität Modul | 12 |
Hinweise | Usually held in the break before summer term |
Modulart | je nach Studiengang Pflicht oder Wahlpflicht |
Vorkenntnisse | This course is open to all students with English skill level B2 or above (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR). Scientific English is not spoken as a native language anywhere on the planet (so it is a foreign language for everyone). The course thus invites both native speakers of English and students for whom English is a foreign (or second) language. Please note that this course while offering support for improving basic language skills and increasing respective awareness is not a simple 'top-up' course of English language skills. It is rather a joint exploration into the most basic (and most universal) tool of scientific thought and expression: Scientific English! |
Lehrveranstaltungsform | Kommentar | SWS | Angebotsrhythmus | Workload Präsenz |
Vorlesung | 0.5 | WiSe | 7 | |
Übung | 3.5 | WiSe | 49 | |
Präsenzzeit Modul insgesamt | 56 h |
Prüfung | Prüfungszeiten | Prüfungsform |
Gesamtmodul | within 2 months of completing the course |
Portfolio: 70% several quick tests, texts, presentations, 30% term paper |