wir885 - Operations and Supply Chain Management (Complete module description)

wir885 - Operations and Supply Chain Management (Complete module description)

Original version English PDF download
Module label Operations and Supply Chain Management
Module code wir885
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Institute directory Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (Economics)
Applicability of the module
  • Master's Programme Business Administration, Economics and Law (Master) > Schwerpunkt Führung von Unternehmen und gesellschaftliche Organisation (FUGO) (MPO2020)
  • Master's Programme Business Informatics (Master) > Module der Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften (Master)
Responsible persons
  • Busse, Christian (module responsibility)
  • Lehrenden, Die im Modul (authorised to take exams)
Skills to be acquired in this module
The lecture pertaining to the module focuses on the development and critical discussion of formal analytical models for modelling and optimizing problems in operations and supply chain management. The aim is to provide students with the skills they need to analyze value-added processes in reality and not only to understand them, but ideally also improve them. The accompanying seminar, held in English, serves to deepen and critically examine the topics from the lecture. Supplementary to the lecture, the seminar deals with conceptual and empirical research and cases. Hereby, students get to know scientific discourses on practically relevant issues that are difficult to model. Furthermore, there will be ample training in scientific work, in team work and in presentations in front of large groups.
Module contents
Introduction to Operations Management; Demand Forecasting; Location Planning; Process Design; Inventory Management; Production Planning; Scheduling; Supply Chain Management; Revenue Management; Behavioral Operations Management
Recommended reading
Thonemann, U. (2015): Operations Management (3rd edition), Pearson.
Chopra, S., Meindl, P. & Kalra, D.V (2016): Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation (6th edition), Pearson Education India
Helber, S. (2014): Operations Management Tutorial, Stefan Helber (proprietary publication).
Languages of instruction German, English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency jährlich
Module capacity unlimited
Reference text
The module takes place in the winter semester. Please refer to the syllabus available via Stud.IP for a more detailed description of content and procedure.
Type of module Wahlpflicht / Elective
Module level SPM (Schwerpunktmodul / Main emphasis)
Type of course Comment SWS Frequency Workload of compulsory attendance
Lecture 2 SuSe and WiSe 28
Seminar or exercise 2 SuSe and WiSe 28
Total module attendance time 56 h
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module
Portfolio, likely consisting of short test and short presentation