bio736 - Evolutionary Transcriptomics (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)

bio736 - Evolutionary Transcriptomics (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)

Originalfassung Englisch PDF Download
Modulbezeichnung Evolutionary Transcriptomics
Modulkürzel bio736
Kreditpunkte 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Einrichtungsverzeichnis Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften (IBU)
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls
  • Master Biologie (Master) > Background Modules
  • Master Biology (Master) > Background Modules
Zuständige Personen
  • Nolte, Arne (Modulverantwortung)
  • Dennenmoser, Stefan (Modulberatung)
  • Nolte, Arne (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Dennenmoser, Stefan (Prüfungsberechtigt)



+ deepened biological expertise
++ deepened knowledge of biological working methods
++ data analysis skills;
++ critical and analytical thinking
+ independent searching and knowledge of scientific literature
++ data presentation and discussion in English (written and spoken)
++ statistics & scientific programming


Lecture: Gene expression represents the first step of the translation of genomic information into a phenotype. This phenotype is of broad interest in all disciplines of biology. Gene expression data can reveal how genetic changes at single genes manifest phenotypically and how gene expression is regulated. The same data can also explain differences in life history and adaptation to different environments. Different perspectives can be understood by studying mechanisms of gene regulation as well as broad scale transcriptomics analyses. Exercise: We will generate and analyze gene expression data during the course including wet lab and computational methods. Practicals include the analysis of single-gene expression data as well as RNAseq data representing complete transcriptomes.

Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Dauer in Semestern 1 Semester
Angebotsrhythmus Modul Wintersemester
Aufnahmekapazität Modul 12

associated with bio733: Evolutionary Biology Population Genetics (recommended)

Modulart Wahlpflicht / Elective
Modullevel MM (Mastermodul / Master module)
Lehr-/Lernform Lecture, exercise
Vorkenntnisse Basic knowledge of evolutionary biology
Lehrveranstaltungsform Kommentar SWS Angebotsrhythmus Workload Präsenz
Vorlesung 1 WiSe 14
Übung 3 WiSe 42
Präsenzzeit Modul insgesamt 56 h
Prüfung Prüfungszeiten Prüfungsform

portfolio (presentation, laboratory protocol)