wir893 - Development Economics (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

wir893 - Development Economics (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

Department für WiRe (BWL und Wirtschaftspädagogik) 6 KP
Modulteile Semesterveranstaltungen Sommersemester 2022 Prüfungsleistung
Hinweise zum Modul
At the end of the lecture period
Prüfungsleistung Modul
Formal presentation with written elaboration and discussion

The students are able:

  • to identify an discuss empirical challenges in research on developing countries
  • to understand, summarize, and discuss recent research studies in development economics
  • evaluate strategies to reach sustainable economic development discussed in the public and politics
  • participate in a discussion on the topic, developing a well-grounded position and problem solving strategy
  • to present current research to and discuss it verbally and in written form
  • to identify gaps in the literature on developing countries