inf659 - Environmental Management Information Systems II (Course overview)

inf659 - Environmental Management Information Systems II (Course overview)

Department of Computing Science 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025 Examination
Notes on the module

recommended privious knowledge:

  • The topics discussed in the modules inf651 Environmental Management Information Systems I as well as inf660 Sustainability Informatics, like material flow analysis, environmental management system, life cycle assessment, sustainability management.
Reference text

Usually, this course is offered as a block couse during the lecture free period. The specific type and language  will be announced prior to the beginning of the course


In case the course is offered as block course, exams will be scheduled accordingly. Otherwise, usually within two weeks after the end of the lecture period

Module examination

Written examination or Oral examination or Term paper/assignment or Formal presentation or Portfolio

The specific type of exam will be announced prior to the beginning of the course.

Skills to be acquired in this module

This course aims at examining emerging research questions in the field of corporate environmental management information systems (CEMIS). After finishing this course, the students will have extensive knowledge regarding Business Environmental Informatics. In addition, they will be aware of recent research topics and challenges as well as relevant software solutions and practical projects.
Professional competence
The students:

  • will obtain extensive knowledge in the field of CEMIS
  • know emerging research questions and challenges as well as software solutions and projects

Methodological competence
The students:

  • find their own solutions or apply already existing approaches to new and unsolved questions in the field of CEMIS
  • capture required data, analyse it and present it to their team or the whole group

Social competence
The students:

  • are supposed to work in teams and therefore have to identify working packages and have to take on responsibility for the jobs assigned to them
  • present and discuss their own results with the team and the other members of the course

The students:

  • learn about their own limitations and learn to accept criticism in order to strengthen their own abilities