mar530 - Main Module Ecophysiology of prokaryotes (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

mar530 - Main Module Ecophysiology of prokaryotes (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM) 12 KP
Modulteile Semesterveranstaltungen Wintersemester 2024/2025 Prüfungsleistung
  • Eingeschränkter Zugang 5.13.531 - Ecophysiology of prokaryotes Lehrende anzeigen
    • Dr. Bert Engelen
    • Julius Degenhardt

    Termine am Montag, 17.02.2025 - Freitag, 21.02.2025, Montag, 24.02.2025 - Freitag, 28.02.2025, Montag, 03.03.2025 - Freitag, 07.03.2025, Montag, 10.03.2025 - Donnerstag, 13.03.2025 08:00 - 10:00, Freitag, 14.03.2025 08:00 - 13:00
    The date for a pre-meeting will be announced. If are registered for the “Seminar: 5.13.531 - Ecophysiology of prokaryotes”, you are also automatically signed in for the practical course.

  • Kein Zugang 5.13.532 - Ecophysiology of prokaryotes Lehrende anzeigen
    • Dr. Bert Engelen
    • Julius Degenhardt

    Termine am Montag, 17.02.2025 - Freitag, 21.02.2025, Montag, 24.02.2025 - Freitag, 28.02.2025, Montag, 03.03.2025 - Freitag, 07.03.2025, Montag, 10.03.2025 - Freitag, 14.03.2025 10:00 - 18:00, Ort: W15 0-013 (Labor), W15 0-052 (Labor)
    The date for a pre-meeting will be announced. If are registered for the “Seminar: 5.13.531 - Ecophysiology of prokaryotes”, you are also automatically signed in for the practical course.

Hinweise zum Modul

Announced during the course.

Prüfungsleistung Modul

One assessments of examination:
Portfolio: Written protocol (100%) and contribution to the seminar (seminar presentation, no mark)

Active participation: Active and documented participation in practical courses (labs, exercises, seminars, field trips) and courses. These include e.g. the delivery of exercises, writing a lab report or seminar presentations according to the advice or the course supervisor.


The aim of the module "Ecophysiology of prokaryotes" is to impart in-depth knowledge on the metabolism and physiology of microorganisms and train students in practical skills to measure physiological parameters. 
After completion of the module, students can
- contribute to current scientific projects (under guidance)
- know modern analytical techniques
- know and understand recent scientific literature
- can write scientific reports, present their results and discuss them