pb157 - Field of Work/Technique Biology I (Course overview)

pb157 - Field of Work/Technique Biology I (Course overview)

Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Sommersemester 2023 Examination
  • No access 5.02.905 - Führungen im Botanischen Garten Show lecturers
    • Dr. Klaus Bernhard von Hagen
    • Dr. Nina Gmeiner

    Tuesday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 11/04/23)

    regelmäßig wöchentlich immer dienstags von 10:15 h - 11:45 h Startet: 11.04.2023 Endet: 11.07.2023

Practical training
  • No access 5.02.905 - Führungen im Botanischen Garten Show lecturers
    • Dr. Klaus Bernhard von Hagen
    • Dr. Nina Gmeiner

    Tuesday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 11/04/23)

    regelmäßig wöchentlich immer dienstags von 10:15 h - 11:45 h Startet: 11.04.2023 Endet: 11.07.2023

Notes on the module
Module examination
1 written text (max 120 min) or
1 portfolio (2-8 achievements) or
1 assignment max 30 pages) or
1 oral examination (max 30 min) or
1 paper (max 30 min) or
1 poster presentation

Additional conditions regarding attendance and ungraded activities as determined by the persons responsible for the module will apply.
Skills to be acquired in this module
This module accompany changing events.