wir130 - Civil Law and Commercial Law (Course overview)

wir130 - Civil Law and Commercial Law (Course overview)

Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Sommersemester 2023 Examination
  • No access 2.08.151 - Handelsrecht Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Peter Rott

    Tuesday: 16:15 - 17:45, weekly (from 11/04/23), Location: A14 1-101 (Hörsaal 1)
    Dates on Tuesday, 18.07.2023, Monday, 04.09.2023 11:00 - 13:00, Location: A14 1-101 (Hörsaal 1), A14 1-102 (Hörsaal 2), A14 1-103 (Hörsaal 3)

    Wirtschaftswissenschaften (1-Fach und 2-Fach BA): Zum Bestehen d. Moduls wir130 muss die Veranstaltung Bürgerliches Recht im WS besucht worden sein. Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit juristischem Schwerpunkt: Zum Bestehen d. Moduls wir050 muss eine Übung (Methodik z. jur. Fallbearbeitung) besucht werden.

  • No access 2.08.154a - Übung Handelsrecht Show lecturers
    • Jacob Schwartz, LL.M. (Trinity College Dublin)

    Monday: 08:15 - 09:45, weekly (from 17/04/23), Location: A14 1-103 (Hörsaal 3), A14 0-031

    Es handelt sich um eine Übung, die sich an die Studierenden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften richtet, die sich vorlesungsbegleitend auf die Klausur vorbereiten wollen. Der Stoff der Vorlesung und die juristische Methodik wird in der Übung anhand von kleinen Fällen wiederholt und vertieft.

Notes on the module
end of semester
Module examination
written exam
Skills to be acquired in this module
The students:
- are familiar with the legal working methods, basic concepts of law in general and of civil law and commercial law in particular,
- are familiar with the law of obligation and law of property, in particular with contract law, as well as with commercial law, which are the main fields of interest in the future professional practice,
- are able to solve legal cases in a goal-oriented way,
- are able to find approaches for legal problems as well as recognize liability risks and how to deal with them,
- are in case of contract negotiations able to recognize the requirements for regulations and to evaluate consequences of regulation.