ang618 - The Language System (Course overview)

ang618 - The Language System (Course overview)

Institute of English and American Studies 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025 Examination
  • Limited access 3.02.185 - V Research Methods in Linguistics Show lecturers
    • Dr. Ilka Flöck, she/ her

    Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

    The lecture "Research Methods in Linguisitcs" is a one-hour lecture that accompanies a seminar in the linguistic advanced modules (modules ang616, ang617, anf ang618). The weekly lectures cover general methodological contents, such as: - finding linguistic literature - the structure of linguistic research articles - principles of good academic practice - ethics in linguistic research - research questions in linguistic research - instruments of data collection in linguistics research (inlcuding critical discussions) - corpus linguistics as a method of data collection - linguistic posters and visualisations There is no separate form of assessment in the lecture course as all assessment in the advanced modules is done in the respective seminar. In isolation, there are no separate credit points available for the lecture as the lecture needs to be combined with a seminar from the advanced modules. A note to international students: You will not be able to obtain credit points for the lecture in isolation. If you want to obtain credit points, you will need to participate in a linguistic seminar AND take part in the lecture.

Notes on the module
- Aktive Teilnahme (gemäß § 9 Abs. 5 BPO neu) - Curriculare Abfolge (gemäß § 9 Abs. 6 BPO neu): erfolgreicher Abschluss von ang060 Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language (Teil 1 und 2)
Abgabe schriftlicher Leistungen bis spätestens 15.03. im Wintersemester bzw. 15.09. im Sommersemester.
Module examination
Skills to be acquired in this module
Studierende erlangen vertiefte Kompetenz, theoretische Sprachbeschreibung zu verstehen und anzuwenden; Studierende entwickeln die Fähigkeit, Bereiche des (englischen) Sprachsystems und dessen Gebrauch problemorientiert und detailliert darzustellen; Studierende können Methoden der sprachwissenschaftlichen/linguistischen Forschung beurteilen und in eigenen Projekten anwenden