wir806 - Information Technology Law (Course overview)

wir806 - Information Technology Law (Course overview)

Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (Law) 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025 Examination
  • Unlimited access 2.02.701 - Informationstechnologierecht Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Peter Rott
    • Soraya Hammou
    • Dr. jur. Madalena Lindenthal-Schmidt, LL.M.

    Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

    Zum Bestehen des Moduls muss auch das Seminar "Informationstechnologierecht" besucht werden.

  • Unlimited access 2.02.702 - Informationstechnologierecht Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Peter Rott
    • Soraya Hammou
    • Dr. jur. Madalena Lindenthal-Schmidt, LL.M.

    Dates on Monday, 14.10.2024 16:00 - 18:00, Friday, 10.01.2025 - Saturday, 11.01.2025 08:00 - 18:00
    Zum Bestehen des Moduls muss auch die Vorlesung "Informationstechnologierecht" besucht werden.

Notes on the module
not applicable
Module examination
to be taken from the examination regulations
Skills to be acquired in this module

The students are familiar with the effects of digitalisation with its chances and risks in European and German private law and, in particular, consumer law. They obtain knowledge of specific areas of digitalised private law and consumer law with particular relevance for their future professional practice, are able to solve consumer law cases in a goal-oriented way, are able to find approaches for legal problems as well as recognise liability risks and how to deal with them, and are, in contract negotiations, able to recognise the requirements for regulation and to evaluate its consequences