inf900 - Group Project (Course overview)

inf900 - Group Project (Course overview)

Department of Computing Science 24 KP
Semester courses Sommersemester 2016
Type of course: Project group
Notes on the module
Reference text
Dieses Modul ist im Rahmen der Projekte FliF und FoL konzipiert worden
Im Stud.IP nach Bekanntgabe der einzelnen Gruppen und Themen
Module examination
Active involvement, presentation, final report, project assessment
Skills to be acquired in this module
The students get familiar with different software development aspects in a team. Apart from software engineering knowledge and skills they develop key competences like project management, teamwork, problem solving competence and conflict management.

Additionally, students develop special knowledge, skills and competences from the project group topic.

Professional competence
The students:
  • Characterise and apply computer science basics (algorithms, data structures, programming, basics of practical, technical and theoretical computer science)
  • Define und describe essential mathematical, logical and physical basics of computer science
  • Define and illustrate the core disciplines of computer science (theoratical, practical and technical computer science)

Methodological competence
The students:
  • Examine problems, use formal methods to phrase and analyze them appropriately
  • Evaluate problems by the use of technical and scientific literature
  • Reflect on a scientific topic and write a scientific seminar paper under guidance and present their findings

Social competence
The students:
  • Integrate criticism into their own actions
  • Respect team decisions
  • Communicate with users and experts convincingly

The students:
  • Take on project management tasks
  • Pursue the overall and special computer science development critically
  • Implement innovative professional activities effectively and independently
  • Recognise their abilities and extend them purposefully
  • Reflect their self-perception and actions with regard to professional, methodological and social aspects
  • Develop and reflect self-developed hypotheses to theories independently
  • Work in their field independently