bio225 - Basics in Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Genetics (Course overview)

bio225 - Basics in Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Genetics (Course overview)

Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences 9 KP
Module components Semester courses Summer semester 2024 Examination
Der Teil Biochemie und Zellbiologie wird im Wintersemester und der Teil Genetik in der zweiten Hälfte des Sommersemesters angeboten.
Notes on the module
End of winter semester: written exam in biochemistry and cell biology, end of summer semester: written exam in genetics, follow-up exams at the beginning of the following semesters.
Module examination

2 examinations:

1 written exam in biochemistry and cell biology (2/3*100%)

1 written exam on genetics (1/3*100%)
Skills to be acquired in this module

++ biological knowledge

+ knowledge of biological working methods

++ biologically relevant knowledge in the natural sciences and mathematics

+ abstract, logical, analytical thinking

+ deepened expertise in biological specialist field

+ independent learning and (research-based) working