psy260 - Practical project (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

psy260 - Practical project (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

Department für Psychologie 9 KP
Modulteile Semesterveranstaltungen Sommersemester 2024 Prüfungsleistung
Hinweise zum Modul
Enrolment in Master's programme Neurocognitive Psychology.

Priority is given to students with experience in methods used in the respective lab or students who have taken the respective teaching modules.

Many projects require knowledge of either EEG or fMRI analysis!
We strongly recommend to take either psy170: Neurophysiology or psy270: Functional Neuroimaging prior to the practical project.
Students can chose to perform the practical work in either of the research groups of the Department of Psychology.
For the practical project in Cognitive Psychology and Psychophysics: partly offered as a blocked course.
usually end of April
Prüfungsleistung Modul
Poster presentation in a student symposium (30% of the grade) and daily project work (70% of the grade)
Goals of module:
Students will learn to plan, perform and analyse a study in the field of neurocognition. They will need to apply statistical knowledge and programming competencies to the data acquisition and analysis of data. Results will be related to the current neurocognitive literature and presented at the end of the module. Additionally, students should gain experience as participants in studies.

Acquisition of skills in conducting experimental research; application of knowledge of research methods and data analysis; project management and independent project work; presentation of results and design of a research poster; time management; knowledge of literature search, comprehension of scientific texts, language skills.