wir090 - Human Resource Management (Course overview)

wir090 - Human Resource Management (Course overview)

Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (Economics) 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2023/2024 Examination
  • No access 2.02.251a - Human Resource Management - Tutorien Show lecturers
    • Mareike Junker-Michel, M.A.

    Dates on Tuesday, 24.10.2023 18:00 - 20:00, Friday, 27.10.2023 12:00 - 14:00, Tuesday, 14.11.2023 18:00 - 20:00, Friday, 17.11.2023 12:00 - 14:00, Tuesday, 05.12.2023 18:00 - 20:00, Friday, 08.12.2023 12:00 - 14:00, Tuesday, 09.01.2024 18:00 - 20:00, Friday, 12.01.2024 12:00 - 14:00, Tuesday, 30.01.2024 18:00 - 20:00, Friday, 02.02.2024 12:00 - 14:00 ...(more)
    freiwilliges Angebot neben den zwei Pflicht-Vorlesungen HRM I (Breisig) und II (Junker-Michel)

  • No access 2.02.251b - Human Resource Management - Kernveranstaltung für die Tutorien und Tutor:innentraining Show lecturers
    • Mareike Junker-Michel, M.A.

    Thursday: 11:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 19/10/23), regelmäßiges internes Meeting
    Dates on Thursday, 05.10.2023 12:30 - 14:00, Thursday, 04.01.2024 11:00 - 11:45, Wednesday, 24.01.2024 14:00 - 15:00, Friday, 16.02.2 ...(more)

    Training der Tutor*innen des Moduls, Anleitung zu den Tutorien, Bereitstellung von Informationen, Durchsprechen von Klausurübungen und Präsentationen, Vorbereitung und Begleitung der Klausurkorrektur etc.

Notes on the module



At the end of the lecture period and at the end of the semester

Module examination

written exam

Skills to be acquired in this module

Upon completion of the module (two complementary lectures), students will be able to: - understand the complex issues, challenges and fields of action in organisational Human Resource (HR) Management; - analyse, interpret and manage HR issues within heterogeneous fields of stakeholders and environments; - effectively analyse and apply HR instruments according to the specific practical context; - develop skills to self-reflection by dealing with theoretical as well as practical issues in HR Management and are able to press their point within the scientific discussion; - are able to locate a specific research question within the scientific discussion in the field of Human Resource Management and to interlink, reflect and evaluate it accordingly. By attending the non-compulsory tutorials and participating in lecture discussions, students can develop their own position on the inter-linkages between theoretical approaches and practical courses of action. Students will thus be able to identify problems, analyse them critically, and develop solutions. As they have the opportunity to work in small groups within the tutorials and to participate during lecture discussions, students may also learn to handle different points of view and discuss constructively. Overall they will be prepared for the specific requirements faced in the field of HR Management.