pb262 - Programming Course C/C++ (Course overview)

pb262 - Programming Course C/C++ (Course overview)

Institute of Physics 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025 Examination
Wenn Sie die Vorlesung "Programmierkurs C++" besuchen wollen, müssen Sie dazu auch die passende Übung auswählen.
  • Limited access 5.04.255 - Programming course C++ (Programmierkurs C++) Show lecturers
    • Stefan Harfst
    • Finn Biesterfeldt
    • Tjard Robben

    Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
    Dates on Monday, 17.02.2025 10:00 - 11:15, Monday, 24.02.2025 14:15 - 15:15

    Aim/ learning outcomes: • learning of the programming language C++ and understanding of basic concepts of programming • finding and correcting programming errors • development of computer programs and organization of complex projects • working with software libraries • independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C++ Content: Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples

The lecture also includes an exercise. Please select your available times from the offered tutorial sessions and prioritize them.
  • Limited access 5.04.255 Ü1 - Programming course C++ (Programmierkurs C++) Show lecturers
    • Stefan Harfst
    • Tjard Robben

    Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 15/10/24), Übung Programmierkurs C++

    Aim/ learning outcomes: • learning of the programming language C++ and understanding of basic concepts of programming • finding and correcting programming errors • development of computer programs and organization of complex projects • working with software libraries • independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C++ Content: Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples

  • Limited access 5.04.255 Ü2 - Programming course C++ (Programmierkurs C++) Show lecturers
    • Stefan Harfst
    • Finn Biesterfeldt

    Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

    Aim/ learning outcomes: • learning of the programming language C++ and understanding of basic concepts of programming • finding and correcting programming errors • development of computer programs and organization of complex projects • working with software libraries • independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C++ Content: Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples

Notes on the module
Lineare Algebra, Analysis I
Kapazität/Teilnehmerzahl 80
Module examination
weekly practical exercises (programming exercise) or 1 written exam (1h max)
Skills to be acquired in this module
• learning of the programming language C+ + and understanding of basic concepts of programming
• finding and correcting programming errors
• development of computer programs and organization of complex projects
• working with software libraries
• independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C+ +