lök365 - Special Abiotic Factors (Soil/Water) (Course overview)

lök365 - Special Abiotic Factors (Soil/Water) (Course overview)

Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences 9 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025 Examination
Notes on the module
Basic knowledge of Soil Science, Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry
Reference text
The module can be taken as a 6 CP or a 9 CP module. For the 6 CP module, 2 of the 4 courses offered must be attended, for the 9 CP module, 3 of the 4 courses.
Kapazität/Teilnehmerzahl 15
Before the end of the module
Module examination
Oral examination or housework
Skills to be acquired in this module
E: Applied modelling of water water and solute transport in groundwater:
Performance of a sandbox experiment. Numerical modelling of groundwater flow and solute transport using PMWIN (http://www.simcore.com): Model setup, parameterization and numerical solution of the groundwater flow and advection-dispersion equations.

E: Hydrochemical modelling of water-rock interactions using PHREEQC:
Modelling of hydrogeochemical processes (speciation reactions and mineral reactions, pyrite oxidation, oxidation of organic matter, redox reactions, ion exchange, equilibrium reactions and reaction kinetics) using the software PHREEQC (http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled/phreeqc/)

L: Major Soils of the World and excursion to the World Soil Museum in Wageningen (The Netherlands):
Impartment of knowledge into distribution, properties and classification of soils of the world. Qualification to apply the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) and to identify the soils of the world.

E: Special soil science field and laboratory exercises:
Impartment of knowledge into specific field and laboratory methods. Qualification to select and apply specific field and laboratory methods as well as to analyse and interpret results.