sow927 - Arbeitsmarkt und Ungleichheit (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

sow927 - Arbeitsmarkt und Ungleichheit (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

Institut für Sozialwissenschaften 6 KP
Modulteile Semesterveranstaltungen Sommersemester 2019 Prüfungsleistung
  • Kein Zugang 1.07.211 - Schwerpunkt Arbeitsmarkt: Income and labour market inequalities in a comparative perspective (Lehrsprache Englisch, Prüfungsleistung Deutsch oder Englisch) Lehrende anzeigen
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich

    Montag: 12:00 - 14:00, wöchentlich (ab 01.04.2019)

    In industrialized societies, participation in social life is closely linked to income from work and thus access to the labor market. The Master module "Labor Market and Inequality" starts with the question which occupational structures characterize the German and European labor market and where dividing lines between "outsiders" and "insiders" on the labor market run. This is partcularly relevant for the egalitarian employment regimes of Europe. In the first part of the seminar, the focus will be on approaches to and empirical research on the "inequality of income opportunities". Afterwards, interrelations between selected social groups (long-term unemployed, young people, migrants and women) and relevant institutional conditions (social security systems and activation policies, education systems and protection clauses, family policies, technological developments and social redistribution policies) are discussed (Part 2). In the complementary workshop (Monday 2-4 p.m., room A06 3-313), selected topics of the seminar will be expanded. Students will familiarize themselves with relevant data sets and carry out their own empirical analyses using the EU-SILC or other comparative datasets.

  • Kein Zugang 1.07.212 - Schwerpunkt Arbeitsmarkt: Income and labour market inequalities in a comparative perspective (Lehrsprache Englisch, Prüfungsleistung Deutsch oder Englisch) Lehrende anzeigen
    • Dr. Sven Broschinski
    • Matthias Pohlig

    Montag: 14:00 - 16:00, wöchentlich (ab 01.04.2019)

    Complementary to the seminar “Income and labour market inequalities in a comparative perspective” by Prof. Martin Heidenreich, we elaborate on topics in our seminar by applying empirical analyses using Campus-files of datasets of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions. Students should be interested in empirical inequality research and motivated to learn Stata (or apply R). The goals of the course are: (1) Learning to apply and interpret statistical analyses using Stata (or R); (2) Getting to know usual datasets in labour market and inequality research; (3) Learning to conduct a small quantitative study. During the seminar, students also present their own own plan or analysis for a term paper. We expect that students participate actively in the seminar and make use of the e-learning materials.

European Studies in Global Perspectives
  • Kein Zugang 1.07.211 - Schwerpunkt Arbeitsmarkt: Income and labour market inequalities in a comparative perspective (Lehrsprache Englisch, Prüfungsleistung Deutsch oder Englisch) Lehrende anzeigen
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich

    Montag: 12:00 - 14:00, wöchentlich (ab 01.04.2019)

    In industrialized societies, participation in social life is closely linked to income from work and thus access to the labor market. The Master module "Labor Market and Inequality" starts with the question which occupational structures characterize the German and European labor market and where dividing lines between "outsiders" and "insiders" on the labor market run. This is partcularly relevant for the egalitarian employment regimes of Europe. In the first part of the seminar, the focus will be on approaches to and empirical research on the "inequality of income opportunities". Afterwards, interrelations between selected social groups (long-term unemployed, young people, migrants and women) and relevant institutional conditions (social security systems and activation policies, education systems and protection clauses, family policies, technological developments and social redistribution policies) are discussed (Part 2). In the complementary workshop (Monday 2-4 p.m., room A06 3-313), selected topics of the seminar will be expanded. Students will familiarize themselves with relevant data sets and carry out their own empirical analyses using the EU-SILC or other comparative datasets.

  • Kein Zugang 1.07.212 - Schwerpunkt Arbeitsmarkt: Income and labour market inequalities in a comparative perspective (Lehrsprache Englisch, Prüfungsleistung Deutsch oder Englisch) Lehrende anzeigen
    • Dr. Sven Broschinski
    • Matthias Pohlig

    Montag: 14:00 - 16:00, wöchentlich (ab 01.04.2019)

    Complementary to the seminar “Income and labour market inequalities in a comparative perspective” by Prof. Martin Heidenreich, we elaborate on topics in our seminar by applying empirical analyses using Campus-files of datasets of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions. Students should be interested in empirical inequality research and motivated to learn Stata (or apply R). The goals of the course are: (1) Learning to apply and interpret statistical analyses using Stata (or R); (2) Getting to know usual datasets in labour market and inequality research; (3) Learning to conduct a small quantitative study. During the seminar, students also present their own own plan or analysis for a term paper. We expect that students participate actively in the seminar and make use of the e-learning materials.

Hinweise zum Modul
Prüfungsleistung Modul
Als Prüfungsleistung ist während der Veranstaltung ein Referat (ca. 15-20 Minuten) über ein ausgewähltes Thema zu halten. Weiterhin ist bis zum Semesterende eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung (ca. 20 Seiten) über dieses Thema mit einer eigenen Fragestellung und unter Hinzuziehung weiterführender Literatur zu verfassen.
Nach Abschluss des Moduls sind die Studierenden in der Lage, den Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitsmarktprozessen und Strukturen sozialer Ungleichheit zu analysieren.
Das Master-Seminar vermittelt drei Kernkompetenzen:
  1. Interdisziplinäre theoretische Kenntnisse sowie die Fähigkeit, verschiedene Theorieansätze gegeneinander abzuwägen und miteinander zu verknüpfen;
  2. Fundierte empirische Kenntnisse aus den Bereichen Arbeitsmarkt, Arbeitsmarktreformen und soziale Ungleichheit;
  3. Die Fähigkeit zur methodischen und gesellschaftlichen Verortung von empirischen Forschungsarbeiten zum Thema Arbeitsmarkt und Ungleichheit.