inf020 - Machine-oriented Programming (Course overview)

inf020 - Machine-oriented Programming (Course overview)

Department of Computing Science 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Wintersemester 2022/2023 Examination
Hinweise zum Modul
Study contents of the first year of the subject Bachelor of Computer Science or Business Informatics
Reference text
Associated with the modules:
  • Betriebssysteme I und II (as possible prerequisites)
  • Verteilte Betriebssysteme (as possible specialisation)
  • Betriebssysteme-Praktikum
At the end of the lecture periode
Module examination
Written or oral exam
Skills to be acquired in this module
Professional competence
The students:
  • Comprehend special concepts and methods of low-level programming of tightly
  • coupled computer systems in C and their translation into NASM assembly language
  • Design and implement programs in C independently and systematically translate them into a computer architecture-specific assembly language
  • Implement machine-oriented software with appropriate programming and compilation techniques and concepts
  • Recognize the relation of technical and practical computer science as well as the relations of high- and low-level programming
Methodological competence
The students:
  • understand aspects of the practical and theoretical computer science
  • understand the connection between high level language constructs and low level language constructs
  • ranslate C programs into NASM programs
Social competence
The students:
  • Solve problems in small teams
  • Present their solutions to the members of the tutorial
  • Discuss their different solutions with members of the tutorial
The students:
  • Accept criticism - Question their initial solutions in the light of newly learned methods