mar736 - Energy Systems (Course overview)

mar736 - Energy Systems (Course overview)

Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment 6 KP
Semester courses Wintersemester 2022/2023
Type of course: Lecture
Notes on the module



Klausur am Ende der Veranstaltungszeit oder fachpraktische Übungen oder mündliche Prüfung oder Portfolio nach Maßgabe der Dozentin oder des Dozenten

Module examination
Skills to be acquired in this module

Energy Systems

-     characterise the global energy system and its structure and constraints

-     analyse the potential for improving the global energy system based on energy and exergy efficiencies

-     understand the basic relationship between global energy supply and climate change

-     understand recent and future changes of electricity supply due to increasing fluctuating renewables and ‘smart’ technologies


Future Power Supply Systems

-     explain the management, modelling and power balancing within future electricity grid configurations with high shares of fluctuating and distributed generation

-     appraise the main components (incl. chemical storage options) involved in future AC-grid concepts

-     categorise different grid-designs, including mini- and micro-grids
-     explain the technical principles and resulting limiting factors within “Smart City”, “Smart Grid”, “Smart Home” concepts