lan510 - Language 1 and Culture (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

lan510 - Language 1 and Culture (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

Fakultät III - Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften 12 KP
Modulteile Semesterveranstaltungen Sommersemester 2024 Prüfungsleistung
  • Eingeschränkter Zugang 3.02.998 - Multiple Imaginations: Germany's Pasts and Presents – Part 1: Colonialism and Migration Lehrende anzeigen
    • Sunday Omwenyeke

    Termine am Freitag, 03.05.2024 16:00 - 20:00, Samstag, 04.05.2024 - Sonntag, 05.05.2024 10:00 - 19:00, Ort: A05 1-160, A01 0-010 a, (Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven)
    In this seminar, we will work on different narratives about and representations of what is imagined – in different times and under different (political, social, economic) circumstances – as ‘Germany’. We will explore what ‘Germany’ supposedly is and gain a deeper understanding of it. With a cultural studies perspective we will look at what and who is represented by whom as ‘German(y)’, who and what is excluded by the narratives, what the specific circumstances for specific narratives are, and which counter-narratives can be found. The aim of the seminar is not to study what is called ‘Germany’ or ‘Europe’ but to learn about representation and perspectives of (multiple) self-imaginations, how they are constructed in different narratives and which functions these imaginations serve. In the context of this seminar, we do a joint study trip to the Auswandererhaus in Bremerhaven to explore different narratives and representations about Germany’s past and present. With a selection of texts and short films we will examine issues of exclusion and inclusion, and their implications.

  • Eingeschränkter Zugang 3.02.999 - S Multiple Imaginations: Germany's Pasts and Presents Part 2: National Socialism and German Reunification Lehrende anzeigen
    • Dr. Tobias Linnemann
    • Sunday Omwenyeke

    Termine am Freitag, 24.05.2024 16:00 - 20:00, Samstag, 25.05.2024 - Sonntag, 26.05.2024 10:00 - 19:00
    The second part of the seminar builds on the main themes of the first seminar on representations, imaginations, narratives and power relations (see announcement for Part 1 in December). The focus this weekend will be on the German culture of remembrance after the Second World War with regard to National Socialism and the so-called German re-unification. We will deal with the question of how the memory of National Socialism in general and voices of Jews and other persecutees and survivors have long been, and still are, warded off and repressed. Further, we will look at how, especially survivors and their descendants have fought for and established spaces of remembrance. With regard to re-unification, the question also arises as to which events/voices and contents are remembered and which are suppressed and why, in societal discourse. Also of interest is how denial is linked to anti-Semitism and racism and how other/counter narratives can challenge anti-Semitic and racist conditions and relations. Part of this seminar is an excursion to the submarine bunker "Valentin" in Bremen-Farge, which was built by forced labourers under National Socialism. In addition, we will use selected texts and films to engage in a conversation about remembrance culture and representations in the German context. It is possible to participate in this second part independent of participation in the first part in December although we recommend you participate in both.

Hinweise zum Modul

- Status als Austauschstudierende*r

- Anmeldung für das Semesterprogramm „European Studies in Global Perspectives“

- Teilnahme am Einstufungstest Deutsch (organisiert vom Sprachenzentrum) während der Welcome Week
Prüfungsleistung Modul

Nach erfolgreicher Teilnahme können die Studierenden

- Grundkenntnisse der deutschen Sprache in den Bereichen Lesen, Hören, Sprechen, Schreiben sowie Grammatik und Landeskunde entsprechend der belegten Niveaustufe (GER) anwenden

- Repräsentationen von und Diskurse über die Kultur und Geschichte Deutschlands analysieren

- eine eigene analytisch-kritische Haltungen zu öffentlichen Debatten über Migration und Deutschland als Migrationsgesellschaft entwickeln

- verschiedene migrationsgesellschaftliche Phänomene erläutern und reflektieren