ökb060 - Fields of application of economics education: Principles in terms of subject matter and didactics (Course overview)

ökb060 - Fields of application of economics education: Principles in terms of subject matter and didactics (Course overview)

Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (Economics Education) 6 KP
Semester courses Summer semester 2024
Type of course: Seminar and exercise
Sie müssen beide Veranstaltungen belegen!
Notes on the module
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Module examination
1 Modulprüfung
  • mündl. Prüfung (45 - 60 min.) oder
  • Klausur (120 min.) oder
  • Referat (30 - 60 min.) oder
  • Hausarbeit (3000 - 5000 Wörter) oder
  • Portfolio (max. 5 Teilleistungen)
Skills to be acquired in this module
• have a fundamental understanding of economics in respect of finances, entrepreneurship, economic ethics and environmental economics
• are familiar with central models and theoretic approaches in respect of finances, entrepreneurship, economic ethics and environmental economics, and apply these in a problem-oriented manner
• understand, analyse and reflect on concepts about and implications for didactics in respect of financial education, entrepreneurship education, environmental education and economic ethics education
• are capable of initiating, and reflect on, teaching-learning processes based on subject matter and didactics.