pb268 - Specialisation I (Course overview)

pb268 - Specialisation I (Course overview)

Institute of Physics 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Sommersemester 2018 Examination
  • No access 5.04.317 - Biomedizinische Physik und Neurophysik Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe
    • PD Dr. Stefan Uppenkamp, Dipl.-Phys.
    • Thomas Brand

    Monday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 09/04/18), Location: W02 1-148
    Friday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 06/04/18), Location: W02 1-148, W32 1-112

    Students are expected to gain an overview of bio-medical physics. They shall understand the activities of physicists in medicine and be able to analyse current research topics of medical physics. Content: Medical bases: Anatomy and physiology of humans, sense and neuro physiology, Psychophysics, pathophysiology of select organ systems, pathology of select diseases, physics in the biomedicine: Methods of biophysics and neuro physics, Roentgen diagnostics, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, tomography, the medical acoustics/ultrasonic, medical optics and laser applications, Audiology

  • No access 5.04.331 - Einführung in die Photonik Show lecturers
    • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Petra Groß, Ph.D.

    Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 03/04/18), Location: W02 1-128
    Friday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 06/04/18), Location: W03 2-240
    Dates on Tuesday, 17.07.2018 10:15 - 11:45, Location: W03 2-240

    Vermittlung von vertieften Kenntnissen im Bereich der Photonik und Vorbereitung auf eine Bachelor-Arbeit in diesem Gebiet. Erwerb von Fertigkeiten zur selbständigen Vertiefung von Wissen im Bereich Photonik sowie zur Konzeption fortgeschrittener Experimente zur Klärung physikalischer Fragestellungen. Erwerb von Kompetenzen zur wissenschaftlichen Analyse komplexer Sachverhalte und zur selbstständigen Einordnung neuer Forschungsergebnisse sowie zur gesellschaftspolitischen Einordnung der Konsequenzen von physikalischer Forschung. Inhalt: - Licht und Materie (Grundlagen der Elektrodynamik, Maxwell Gleichungen, Materie Gleichungen) - Fourier Representationen (Summen & Integrale, Lineare Systeme, Faltung) - Optische Medien (Dispersion, Absorption, Pulspropagation, Dispersive Beiträge) - Ebene Wellen an Grenzflächen (Fresnelgleichungen, Reflexion, Brechung, Evaneszente Wellen) - Spiegel und Strahlteiler (Matrixformalismus, Strahlteiler, Resonatoren, Interferometer) - Geometrische Optik (paraxiale Strahlenoptik, ABCD Matrizen, Resonatortypen, Abbildungssysteme) - Wellenoptik (paraxiale Wellenoptik, Gauß’sche Strahlen, Skalare Beugungstheorie, Fresnel- und Fraunhofer Beugung) Kohärenz (Korrelationsfunktion, Kohärenzinterferometrie) - Photonenoptik (Eigenschaften einzelner Photonen, Statistik von Photonenflüssen) - Polarisationsoptik (Polarisationszustände, Jones und Stokes Formalismus, anisotrope Materialien) - Fourier Optik (Holographie, Bildverarbeitung im reziproken Raum, Tomography) - Photonische Kristalle (Schichtmedien, 2- und 3-dimensionale Kristalle, Blochmoden, Dispersion) - Wellenleiteroptik (Moden, Dispersionsrelation, Feldverteilungen) - Faseroptik (Stufen und Gradientenindexfasern, Dispersion und Dämpfung)

  • No access 5.04.648 - Wind Energy Utilisation Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
    • Dipl.-Ing. (TU) Andreas Hermann Schmidt

    Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 09/04/18), Location: W33 0-003
    Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 05/04/18), Location: W01 0-008 (Rechnerraum)
    Dates on Friday, 28.09.2018 10:00 - 12:00, Location: W02 1-148

    This lecture with exercises is intended as introduction into physics and engineering of wind energy utilisation. Nevertheless also social, historical and political aspects are regarded. The lecture gives a deeper understanding of physical effects, methods, calculations and parameters into the field of wind energy utilisation, wind physics and wind energy science. Experiments and exhibits are used to deliver deeper insights into the subjects of the lectures. The tutorial part consists of calculation exercises and an introduction into the common and professional software WindPro ® (subject to modifications). Students who have attended »Wind Energy Utilisation« in the Bachelor phase should be able to directly enrol for advanced wind energy lectures in the Master phase (without attending 5.04.4061 – Wind Energy). Content: • The wind: generation, occurence, measurement, profiles etc.; • Energy and power in the wind; • Drag driven converters; • Principle of lift driven converters; • Dimensionless parameters and characteristic diagrams of wind turbines; • Optimum twist and horizontal plan of the rotor blade; • Rotor power losses; • Power control; • Generator concepts and grid interaction; • Loads; • Mechanical design and components of a wind turbine; • Calculation of energy yield; • Economics; • Wind farms, wakes and wind farm efficiency; • Environmental effects; • Unconventional converters; • Prepared discussion about social and political aspects; • Use of wind farm calculation software WindPro

  • No access 5.04.672 - Science of Imaging, Scientific Sensors and Photography Show lecturers
    • Ulrich Teubner
    • Hans Josef Brückner

    Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 03/04/18)
    Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 22/05/18)

    Imaging and detectors are of major importance everywhere in science and engineering. This course provides substantial background of the relevant physics and engineering methods. As a practical application, many aspects are explained within physics of photography. In the extended laboratory part, using modern imaging systems such as professional cameras, students get experience. **Content** Optical imaging, aberrations, ray tracing, cameras and lenses, exposure, resolution, space bandwidth product, imaging issues and limits, fourier optics, optical transfer function, modern sensors (CCD, CMOS, scientific sensors such as backside illum. XUV-CCD, MCP etc.) in detail, dynamic range and noise, imaging systems, basics of image processing

  • No access 5.04.652 - Hyperloop III Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
    • Thomas Schüning

    Dates on Friday, 01.06.2018 12:00 - 18:00
  • No access 5.04.692 - Laser Safety Instruction Show lecturers
    • Bert Struve

    Dates on Thursday, 05.04.2018 14:45 - 16:00
    The laser safety instruction is offered once a year for Bachelor and Master Students who are going to work with lasers in the lab at HS Emden/leer. Seminar is enbedded in the Basic Lab II, introduction session. Room: Gemeindehaus Paapsand, Paapsand 5, 26723 Emden, Opposite to the library of the Hochschule Emden/Leer.de

Notes on the module
Module examination
Max. 3 hrs written exam or 30 min oral exam. Here , you will find information about the consideration of bonus points for module marks.
Skills to be acquired in this module
Knowledge of the current state of research in the field of specialization and acquisition of specialist knowledge