phy685 - Advanced Engineering Topics in Biomedical Physics & Acoustics (Course overview)

phy685 - Advanced Engineering Topics in Biomedical Physics & Acoustics (Course overview)

Institute of Physics 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Wintersemester 2022/2023 Examination
  • No access 5.04.3300 b - Radiooncology for Medical Physicists II Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe
    • PD Dr. Ping Jiang

    The course times are not decided yet.
    In this lecture the basic background of Radiooncology for Medical Physics will be covered. The lecture will be held at the Pius-Hospital Oldenburg in several blocks. Detailed schedule will be announced in May,

  • No access 5.04.4203 - Angewandte Psychophysik: Anwendungen bei Audioqualitätsbewertungen / Applied Psychophysics: Applications in audio quality Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Steven van de Par
    • Stephan Töpken

    Wednesday: 16:15 - 17:45, weekly (from 19/10/22), Location: W16A 010
    Dates on Wednesday, 08.02.2023 14:00 - 15:00, Location: W01 1-117

    Detailed knowledge of the theoretical concepts underlying listening tests and of modern designs of listening tests. Knowledge about human auditory perception and its application in e.g. audio quality and digital signal processing. Subjective listening experiment design and models of human auditory perception will be treated with a focus on application in audio quality assessments (e.g. for sound reproduction) and in digital signal processing algorithm development (e.g. for low bit-rate audio coding and headphone virtualizers).

  • No access 5.04.4204 - Prinzipien der Signalverarbeitung in Hörgeräten Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Volker Hohmann, Dipl.-Phys.
    • Dr. rer. nat. Giso Grimm

    Thursday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 20/10/22)

    Understanding the signal processing principles applied to hearing devices (hearing aids and cochlear implants) Contents: - Amplification and compression - Speech enhancement and noise reduction - Signal processing in cochlear implants - Computational auditory scene analysis - Automatic classification of the acoustic environment - Acoustic feedback management

  • No access 5.04.4221 - Grundkurs im Strahlenschutz mit Praktikum Show lecturers
    • Heiner von Boetticher
    • Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe

    The course times are not decided yet.
    Die Studierenden erlangen grundlegende Kenntnisse im Gebiet des Strahlenschutzes. Sie erwerben Fähigkeiten der Bewertung von zivilisatorischen und natürlichen Strahlenexpositionen und deren Vergleich mit Anwendungen in der Medizin. Sie erweitern ihre Kompetenzen im Bereich der Präsentationstechnik durch die Betreuung von kleinen Praktikumsversuchen zum Strahlenschutz. Inhalt: Strahlenphysik, Grundlagen der Dosimetrie, Strahlenschutzgrundsätze, Strahlenschutzverordnung, Natürliche und zivilisatorische Strahlenbelastung, Praktikum im Bereich der Strahlenschutzmesstechnik

  • No access 5.04.4226 - Aktuelle Probleme des Maschinellen Lernens und -Hörens Show lecturers
    • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jörn Anemüller
    • Eike Jannik Nustede, M. Sc.

    Thursday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 20/10/22)

    Goals of the Seminar: - provide an overview of current mathematical methods used in current machine learning, - provide knowledge of current computational methods used, such as convolutional networks and deep learning, - gain practical experience in applying machine learning to standard classification problems, - program in python using keras and/or pytorch machine learning libraries, - using GPU-processing for deep network training, - application to problems from speech and audio signals, and to self-chosen problems. Structure of the course: First half (weeks 1 to 7) of the course: We will provide short lecture segments as an introduction to advanced methods from machine learning relevant to this course. In particular, this will include convolutional networks and several deep network architectures. We will also provide an introduction to the relevant programming libraries in python that are used, such as keras and pytorch. Students will work in a self-paced way on a set of python notebooks that introduce these concepts and that include simple implementation steps. Second half (weeks 8 to 14) of the course: Students will work individually or in groups on a self-chosen problem in the setting of a mini-project. The extent of a mini-project will be limited in size and it will follow the implementation practice learned during the first half of the course. Project progress, necessary technical steps and possible problems encountered will be addressed at regular meetings. Examples of projects students worked on during previous courses: - Music genre classification - Emotion recognition from speech - Music melody generation - Natural language processing for tweets Requirements: - introductory course to machine learning, signal processing etc., - basic knowledge of python programming, - (ideally) knowledge of jupyter notebooks, - (ideally) knowledge of linux.

  • No access 5.04.439 - Sprachverstehen in der Audiologie Show lecturers
    • Thomas Brand

    Friday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 21/10/22)

    Die Studierenden erwerben praktische und theoretische Kenntnisse über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung auf den Gebieten der Modellierung des Sprachverstehens bei Normal- und Schwerhörenden in ungünstigen Hörsituationen sowie der Entwicklung und Anwendung audiologischer und psycholinguistischer Untersuchungsmethoden. Sie erlangen Fertigkeiten zur Planung und zur selbstständigen Durchführung von wissenschaftlichen Studien zu dieser Thematik. Sie erweitern ihre Kompetenzen hinsichtlich der Darstellung und Diskussion eigener Ergebnisse auf Tagungen und in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften. Inhalte: Modellierung des Sprachverstehens bei Normal- und Schwerhörenden in komplexen akustischen Situationen, Einfluss linguistischer Parameter auf das Sprachverstehen, Psychoakustische Modelle, Automatische Spracherkennung, Entwicklung von (multilingualen) Sprachverständlichkeitstests, Zusammenhang audiologischer Messgrößen (Tonaudiogramm, BERA, TEOAE, Tympanometrie) mit dem Sprachverstehen, Berichte über Probleme und Fortschritte aktueller Forschungsarbeiten (Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten, Dissertationen)

  • No access 5.04.4230 - Oberseminar „Journal Club“ Speech Technology and Hearing Aids Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Gerald Enzner

    Thursday: 12:15 - 13:45, weekly (from 20/10/22)

    The participants are actually making a distance from their daily own research thread and implementation towards a wider perspective. They pursue other topics of colleagues and related scientists, which seem to be outside the personal scope or interest, and will yet contribute useful commentary and suggestions. To this, we shall seek literature and pursue intrinsically-motivated study in neighboring and overarching fields of research and education. The results of the study will be grouped systematically and presented in the seminar accordingly. The participants cooperatively work on consensus regarding the scientific merit of publications in terms fundamental relevance or potential utility for own scientific generalization. The themes of the seminar comprise the whole bandwidth of scientific literature on signal processing, machine learning and acoustics with applications in speech technology and hearing aids, for instance, single- and multichannel noise reduction, acoustic sensor networks, digital speech communication, binaural transmission and perception. The graduate participants prove the enhanced perspective obtained by the seminar by enhanced motivation and practice for proposal writing. The undergraduate participants can deliver an oral examination or contribute a formal presentation on a given topic.

  • No access 5.04.813 - Cochlear Implants Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Mathias Dietz

    Tuesday: 12:15 - 13:45, weekly (from 18/10/22)

    Die Veranstaltung soll ein breites und hinreichendes tiefes theoretisches Fundament legen, um in Wissenschaft unf Praxis mit Cochlea Implantaten (CIs) und CI Trägern arbeiten zu können.

Practical training
Notes on the module
Related to selected course/s
Reference text
This module o ers special as well as advanced engineering courses in Biomedical Physics and Acoustics. The list of eligible courses will be updated each academic year. Please refer to the courses listed for this module in Stud.IP.
Module examination
Related to selected course/s
Skills to be acquired in this module
The aim of this module is, to give students further access to also small courses (3 CP) which address the specific interest of the student and deliver unique in-depth knowledge or the opportunity to train specific engineering skills.