Seminar (Fachdidaktik)
3.02.480 - S Current Issues in ELT
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehring
Monday: 16:15 - 17:45, weekly (from 17/10/22)
3.02.481 - S Methodology in ELT
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehring
Tuesday: 08:15 - 09:45, weekly (from 18/10/22)
3.02.482 - S Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom
Tuesday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 18/10/22), Location: A14 1-113 Dates on Thursday, 09.02.2023 09:00 - 11:00, Location: A05 0-056
Teaching literature in the EFL Classroom
Amongst the current generation of teaching professionals, the question whether literature – both with a capital and a small `l´- should be used in the EFL classroom is usually answered with a resounding “yes!”.
For years critics of the competence-based approach have been calling for literature to be re-established as a means of fostering an education that goes beyond a mere acquisition of a certain skill set. In our digital age the number of literary texts available online as well as the products emerging from the communication between readers, texts and authors open up new types of literary discourse and expression transcending age, nationality and educational background.
On the other hand, future teachers of English are bound to come across restrictions regarding their choice of literary works as well as the topics connected to them. German Abitur exams in particular require close scrutiny of the curriculum. Set texts and a variety of linguistic and analytical skills will be required to meet the assessment standards stipulated by the Ministry of Education.
From primary school through to the final years of secondary school and Abitur-level both extensive reading of literary texts as well as reading with a view of composing a piece of writing are expected to be fostered systematically.
The seminar aims at providing an overview of different literary texts, approaches and methods viable in the EFL classroom. Starting with visualisation techniques, story telling, scenic interpretation and creative writing participants are expected to get actively involved in classes by creating their own literary products and exchanging ideas about the viability of different didactic approaches.
Other than that, everyone will be required to provide short keynote presentations on a selection of topics connected to teaching literature. You can put your name down for topics from the second week of term.
Against the backdrop of current research in Didactics, participants are expected to analyse teaching and learning materials as well as (excerpts from) current textbooks for various age groups. Different approaches towards teaching literature will be explored.
The development of units of work and lesson plans will be informed by relevant theories of language learning and teaching and can be critically applied to a selection of tasks, resources and ideas for projects connected to teaching literature.
Lesson planning and the analysis of lessons involves
• realistic target setting,
• allowing for differentiation,
• an appropriate choice of materials and media
• as well as devising appropriate assessment strategies.
Schemes of work submitted by students will be put under close scrutiny by peers and the lecturer in order to determine their viability in the classroom. Ideally, concepts and strategies will be put into practice during subsequent internships.
As regards the submission of coursework as part of your final assessment, all participants are required to hand in a portfolio showing their ability to plan and reflect on lessons and schemes of work or tasks.
3.02.485 - Prüfungsverwaltung: Module ang702 und ang713 im Fach Englisch
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehring
- Dr. Christian Kramer, he/him
The course times are not decided yet.
Diese Stud.IP Veranstaltung wird für die digitale Prüfungsanmeldung und -verwaltung der Mastermodule ang702 (M.Ed. Grundschule) und ang713 (M.Ed. Haupt-/Realschule) verwendet. Studierende der entsprechenden Masterstudiengänge müssen sich in dem Semester eintragen, in dem Sie das Modul belegen. Die Anmeldung zur Prüfung ist nur über diese Veranstaltung möglich!
Project (Fachdidaktik oder Fachwissenschaften)
(Das Projekt kann einerseits im Rahmen des "Fachdidaktik"-Seminars oder andererseits im Rahmen eines weiteren Seminars "Fachwissenschaften" absolviert werden. ) |
3.02.930 - S World Englishes
- Prof. Dr. Ronald Geluykens
Thursday: 14:15 - 16:45, weekly (from 20/10/22)
3.02.931 - S Lexical Semantics
- Prof. Dr. Ronald Geluykens
Thursday: 17:15 - 19:45, weekly (from 20/10/22)
3.02.950 - S Phonetic Data Analysis
- Prof. Dr. Marcel Schlechtweg
Wednesday: 16:15 - 19:45, weekly (from 19/10/22)
3.02.970 - S Me Too: Revisionist Mythmaking in the Fiction of Margaret Atwood, Madeleine Miller, and Pat Barker
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michaela Keck
Tuesday: 14:15 - 15:45, weekly (from 18/10/22)
The past five years have seen a remarkable renaissance of classical myth in the revisionist writings of anglophone women authors. Whether it is Natalie Haynes’ The Children of Jocasta (2017), Madeleine Miller’s Circe (2018), Pat Barker’s The Silence of the Girls (2018), or Jennifer Saint’s Ariadne (2021) – the list is by no means complete – what their revisionist mythmaking shares is a concern with women’s experiences, stories, and perspectives. Traditionally, classical myth and their later re-narrations by male authors have either cast women’s figures in formulaic female subject positions or barely deemed their stories worth mentioning. As the list shows, we are still haunted by these gaps, even though we might rightfully ask what Ismene and Jocasta, Circe, Briseis, Ariadne, and other (marginalized) women figures in classical myth, still have to tell us. What contemporary issues and concerns do their stories respond to that continue to make them relevant? And in what ways do these issues and concerns throw light on the figures whose stories we think we already know from ancient myth, or that we do not know at all? In what ways do these revisionist storytellings converse with, even reject, male-authored re-writings of classical myth? What outlooks do the stories of and about these ancient women offer? In this course, we will try to find answers to these questions, while also studying some critical perspectives in the vast field of myth theory. Please purchase and read the following novels (they are listed in the order in which we will discuss them):
Pat Barker. The Silence of the Girls. 2018. (Preferably the Penguin edition.)
Margaret Atwood. The Penelopiad. 2005.
Madeleine Miller. Circe. 2018.
A syllabus and further information about the course, active participation, as well as some reading materials will be made available on Stud.IP at the beginning of the winter semester.
3.02.980 - S Island Literature
Friday: 10:15 - 13:45, weekly (from 21/10/22)
Islands are one of the most enduringly productive motives in Western literature. Islands can be lost paradises or penal colonies, places of exotic allure or gothic nightmares, of utopian promise or of untouched nature. You may find pirate treasure, lairs of supervillains, or the last surviving dinosaurs.
In the seminar, try to understand what makes island spaces such an appealing setting for literary texts and look at a few examples from the rich tradition of island texts in modern anglophone literature. We will pay particular attention to the notion of islands as laboratories – small, isolated pockets of space, where social, psychological, or biological processes can be observed, and new forms of social and political organization are be tried out.
*The seminar will take place biweekly on Fridays, 10 am – 2 pm, room t.b.a.*
Please buy and read:
Kanul Basu: Racists (ISBN 978-0753821503).
H.G. Wells: The Island of Doctor Moreau (preferably Penguin Classics, ISBN 978-0141441023)
Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe (make sure to get an unabridged version, preferably Oxford World Classics, ISBN 978-0-19-955397-6)
3.02.981 - S Muslim American Cultures
Friday: 14:15 - 15:45, weekly (from 21/10/22)
This seminar will introduce students to Muslim American histories and cultures through diverse visual representations of Muslim Americans. Selected pieces of photography and visual art as well as film scenes will raise awareness for stereotypical representations of Muslim Americans, while cultural artifacts produced by Muslim artists will illustrate how those stereotypes can be disrupted. Additionally, this seminar will cover graphic novels by Muslim American writers: Toufic El Rassi’s "Arab in America" (2007) and G. Willow Wilson’s "Ms. Marvel: No Normal" (2014). Toufic El Rassi’s graphic memoir "Arab in America" addresses his struggles of growing up as a Lebanese immigrant in the United States and his experiences with post-9/11 islamophobia. In contrast to the more realist mode of representation in El Rassi’s work, G. Willow Wilson’s "Ms. Marvel: No Normal" is the first volume of a superhero comic series that features Muslim Pakistani American teenage protagonist Kamala Khan whose secret superhero identity is shaped by her religious orientation and whose desire to fit into Anglo-American mainstream society is thwarted by her classmates’ xenophobic and islamophobic prejudices. We will pay special attention to the graphic novels’ narrative structure and style as well as to the ethical, social, political, and cultural issues they raise.
Students will be asked to purchase their own copy of Toufic El Rassi’s "Arab in America" (2007) and G. Willow Wilson’s "Ms. Marvel: No Normal" (2014). Other reading material (including secondary literature) will be made available through Stud.IP.
3.02.990 - S The Postcolonial Bildungsroman in Historical Perspective
Wednesday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 19/10/22)
Exercises (Sprachpraxis)
3.02.400 - Ü Academic Discourse: Media Translation
Monday: 14:15 - 15:45, weekly (from 17/10/22) Dates on Monday, 31.10.2022 14:15 - 15:45, Monday, 06.02.2023 14:00 - 16:00
3.02.401 - Ü English for Educational Purposes: Error Correction
Wednesday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 19/10/22)
3.02.402 - Ü English for Educational Purposes: Teacher Talk in ELT
Wednesday: 14:15 - 15:45, weekly (from 19/10/22)
3.02.403 - Ü English for Educational Purposes: Designing Reading Materials
Thursday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 20/10/22)
3.02.404 - Ü English for Educational Purposes: Designing Reading Materials
Thursday: 12:15 - 13:45, weekly (from 20/10/22)
3.02.405 - (Tue., 12:00) English for Educational Purposes: Listening in the language classroom
Tuesday: 12:15 - 13:45, weekly (from 18/10/22)
3.02.406 - (Wed, 8-10) English for Educational Purposes: Listening in the language classroom
Wednesday: 08:15 - 09:45, weekly (from 19/10/22)
3.02.410 - Ü English for Educational Purposes: Content and Language Integrated Learning
Wednesday: 12:15 - 13:45, weekly (from 19/10/22)
Teaching content and knowledge of English simultaneously is becoming increasingly common in German schools. This course will introduce students to various strategies, techniques and resources for teaching other subjects in English, examining issues you are likely to face as a CLIL teacher. The course will provide both practice at and language feedback on Content and Language Integrated Learning, including task and lesson planning and implementation, and resource development (using translated German-language and English-language materials). It will also look at ways of teaching English literature and culture to students at various levels.
As part of the assessment, each student will develop linguistic and topic-based materials for a group mini-lesson of their own design and teach it to the rest of the group, to be followed by a discussion of relevant didactic and linguistic issues. This course is assessed via a portfolio comprising: an assessment of your lesson and materials, your own review of your lesson (500-600 words) and a 500-600 word word essay.