ang713 - English Language Teaching (Course overview)

ang713 - English Language Teaching (Course overview)

Institute of English and American Studies 12 KP
Module components Semester courses Sommersemester 2023 Examination
Seminar (Fachdidaktik)
  • No access 3.02.480 - S Current Issues in ELT Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehring

    Monday: 16:15 - 17:45, weekly (from 17/04/23)

  • No access 3.02.481 - S Methodology in ELT Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehring

    Tuesday: 08:15 - 09:45, weekly (from 11/04/23)

  • No access 3.02.482 - S Teaching Advanced EFL Students Show lecturers
    • Dr. Sylke Bakker

    Tuesday: 08:15 - 09:45, weekly (from 11/04/23), Location: A01 0-010 b, A01 0-008

    This class aims at providing an overview of what teaching advanced EFL classes (B1-B2+) actually involves in terms of lesson preparation and assessment strategies. Using standardised tests as a starting point to sharpen one`s diagnostic skills, we shall then turn to different types of tasks designed to foster language learning and thus help pupils to reach a higher level on the CEFR scale. Due to the sheer scope of the various skills that need to be fostered in an average EFL classroom, we shall focus our attention on different learning and teaching materials in order to critically assess whether they are actually fit for purpose. Consequently, designing adequate worksheets, tests and online resources will be the next step in an effort to improve teaching skills and to develop proper units of work (rather than "spur of the moment" teaching). Criteria of successful EFL teaching - both from Germany and the UK - will be applied to all the products designed in class in order to enhance lesson planning expertise. As EFL teachers in Germany are expected to deliver the national (KMK standards) and the regional curriculum (KC Niedersachsen), a rigorous study of the documents in question is required. Against the backdrop of the Pandemic, opportunities and limits of digital EFL teaching will be examined. Relevant reference needs to be studied in order to work on an expert view on the issue. By the end of term participants are expected to -sit two in-class assessments in the course of the term -compose a 1500 word essay based on relevant literature -take part in classroom discourse by providing comments and results from academic reading -be able to critically examine lesson plans against the backdrop of the competence-based approach All these skills shall be demonstrated and displayed in a portfolio which will be awarded a final grade. The two in-class (and ON CAMPUS!!!) tests and the essay comprise said portfolio so that participants will receive their grade by the end of term.

  • No access 3.02.483 - S Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom Show lecturers
    • Dr. Sylke Bakker

    Monday: 14:15 - 15:45, weekly (from 17/04/23)

    Teaching literature in the EFL Classroom Amongst the current generation of teaching professionals, the question whether literature – both with a capital and a small `l´- should be used in the EFL classroom is usually answered with a resounding “yes!”. For years critics of the competence-based approach have been calling for literature to be re-established as a means of fostering an education that goes beyond a mere acquisition of a certain skill set. In our digital age the number of literary texts available online as well as the products emerging from the communication between readers, texts and authors open up new types of literary discourse and expression transcending age, nationality and educational background. On the other hand, future teachers of English are bound to come across restrictions regarding their choice of literary works as well as the topics connected to them. German Abitur exams in particular require close scrutiny of the curriculum. Set texts and a variety of linguistic and analytical skills will be required to meet the assessment standards stipulated by the Ministry of Education. From primary school through to the final years of secondary school and Abitur-level both extensive reading of literary texts as well as reading with a view of composing a piece of writing are expected to be fostered systematically. The seminar aims at providing an overview of different literary texts, approaches and methods viable in the EFL classroom. Starting with visualisation techniques, story telling, scenic interpretation and creative writing participants are expected to get actively involved in classes by creating their own literary products and exchanging ideas about the viability of different didactic approaches. Other than that, everyone will be required to provide short keynote presentations on a selection of topics connected to teaching literature. You can put your name down for topics from the second week of term. Against the backdrop of current research in Didactics, participants are expected to analyse teaching and learning materials as well as (excerpts from) current textbooks for various age groups. Different approaches towards teaching literature will be explored. The development of units of work and lesson plans will be informed by relevant theories of language learning and teaching and can be critically applied to a selection of tasks, resources and ideas for projects connected to teaching literature. Lesson planning and the analysis of lessons involves • realistic target setting, • allowing for differentiation, • an appropriate choice of materials and media • as well as devising appropriate assessment strategies. Schemes of work submitted by students will be put under close scrutiny by peers and the lecturer in order to determine their viability in the classroom. Ideally, concepts and strategies will be put into practice during subsequent internships. As regards the submission of coursework as part of your final assessment, all participants are required to hand in two parts of a portfolio, thus showing their ability to plan and reflect on lessons and schemes of work or tasks. The first assessment is scheduled to take place ON CAMPUS on 5th June 2023 . Make sure to be available!

  • No access 3.02.485 - Prüfungsverwaltung: Module ang702 und ang713 im Fach Englisch Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehring
    • Dr. Christian Kramer, he/him

    The course times are not decided yet.
    Diese Stud.IP Veranstaltung wird für die digitale Prüfungsanmeldung und -verwaltung der Mastermodule ang702 (M.Ed. Grundschule) und ang713 (M.Ed. Haupt-/Realschule) verwendet. Studierende der entsprechenden Masterstudiengänge müssen sich in dem Semester eintragen, in dem Sie das Modul belegen. Die Anmeldung zur Prüfung ist nur über diese Veranstaltung möglich!

Project (Fachdidaktik oder Fachwissenschaften)
Das Projekt kann einerseits im Rahmen des "Fachdidaktik"-Seminars oder andererseits im Rahmen eines weiteren Seminars "Fachwissenschaften" absolviert werden.
  • No access 3.02.930 - S World Englishes Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Ronald Geluykens

    Thursday: 14:15 - 16:45, weekly (from 13/04/23)

  • No access 3.02.931 - S Lexical Semantics Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Ronald Geluykens

    Thursday: 17:15 - 19:45, weekly (from 13/04/23)

  • No access 3.02.950 - S The English Language: Processing and Acquisition Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Marcel Schlechtweg

    Wednesday: 18:15 - 19:45, weekly (from 19/04/23)

  • No access 3.02.951 - S Bilingualism: Cross-Linguistic Influence in the Domain of Syntax Show lecturers
    • Dr. phil. Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke

    Friday: 12:15 - 13:45, weekly (from 14/04/23)

    This class deals with the development of English as one of more languages in the broad sense, from birth or successively. Since bilinguals seldom use their languages in a balanced way, different dominance patterns arise and change over the lifespan, including the forgetting of the first language, referred to as language attrition - a phenomenon induced by the acquisition of an L2. We will look at various developmental settings, different language phenomena in the domain of syntax and consider the impact of cross-linguistic differences on attrition, acquisition and processing. In addition, we will deal with language acquisition theory and its research methods. By the end of the term students will be able to give an elaborate description of the phenomena of bilingualism in question and the factors of influence involved but also conduct a small research project themselves.

  • No access 3.02.970 - S 19th-Century Bioscience in Contemporary Fiction Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Anton Kirchhofer

    Thursday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 13/04/23)

    ‘Life’ became a subject of scientific study in the 19th century. The formation of the discipline of biology responded to a broader cultural interest in the processes that sustain and reproduce ‘life’, as well as an interest in how to intervene in these processes and shape them in culturally desirable ways. A substantial number of recent novels have chosen to engage with the history of the life sciences in the 19th century, to revisit aspects of the research on life of the time, including some of their darker and deeply problematic aspects, and to trace possible connections to present-day biosciences. Our course will deal with three outstanding novels, each with its unique approach to the subject. We will place these novels against their historical backgrounds, discuss the perspectives that they provide on historical developments and historical distance, and examine the ways in which they connect the stakes of 19th century research to the issues that occupy the life-sciences at the turn of the 21st century. Materials for background and perspectives have been provided on Stud.IP. We will read and analyse the following three novels, in that sequence: Simon Mawer, Mendel’s Dwarf (1997) Kunal Basu, Racists (2006) Amitav Ghosh, The Calcutta Chromosome (1995) Please purchase and begin to read these as soon as possible (it is recommended to read them in the sequence in which they have been listed, which is also the sequence in which we will discuss them). The course schedule will be presented in the first meeting. Credit for ang971 and 972 is based on an oral input and a shorter term paper (Referat mit Ausarbeitung) (6 KP or 9 KP respectively) Credit for ang973, for students who are doing the MA English Studies, requires an additional project (3KP) Students with other aims in this course please consult me individually.

  • No access 3.02.971 - S Slavery and Social Reproduction in Poems, Plays and Prose (1861–2018) Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Julia Wurr

    Wednesday: 10:15 - 11:45, weekly (from 12/04/23)

  • No access 3.02.980 - S American Women Writers and the Beginnings of Detective Fiction in the 19th- and Early 20th-Century Show lecturers
    • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michaela Keck

    Tuesday: 14:15 - 15:45, weekly (from 11/04/23)

    This course seeks to undertake some serious recovery work regarding American women writers’ early mystery and detective fiction. Although the American authors that we will study are recognized in literary histories of the detective genre and crime fiction, many of their works have not been given as much scholarly attention as they deserve and await further in-depth interpretations and analyses. The course will focus on – but is not limited to – the ways in which American women writers narrate, represent, and comment on issues of gender, crime, and detection in the second half of the nineteenth and the early decades of the twentieth centuries. We will study the following primary materials: • Detective fiction by Harriet Prescott Spofford: “In a Cellar” (1859); “Mr. Furbush” (1865); “In the Maguerriwock” (1868) [see Stud.IP] • Anna Katharine Green, The Leavenworth Case (1878). Please purchase the Penguin Classic edition, with an introduction by Michael Sims, 2010. • Mary Roberts Rinehart, The Amazing Adventures of Letitia Carberry (1911). The book is in the public domain and can be downloaded here: • Mary Roberts Rinehart, Tish: The Chronicles of Her Escapades and Excursions (1916). The book is in the public domain and can be downloaded here:

  • No access 3.02.981 - S Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings (BLOCKSEMINAR) Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Norbert Schurer

    Dates on Monday, 17.07.2023 - Thursday, 20.07.2023, Monday, 24.07.2023 - Wednesday, 26.07.2023 10:15 - 13:45
Exercises (Sprachpraxis)
Notes on the module

abgeschlossenes Bachelor Studium (vgl. PO M.Ed. Gym §2)
aktive Teilnahme (vgl. fachspezifische Anlage §2)

Reference text

Das Modul sollte besucht werden im 1. oder 2. Studienjahr.
Das Modul soll innerhalb eines Semesters abgeschlossen werden.
Die Belegung eines fachdidaktischen Seminars sowie einer sprachpraktischen Übung ist vorgegeben. Die Belegung eines Projektes kann entweder in der Fachdidaktik oder in einer der ausgewählten Fachwissenschaften (Sprachwissenschaft/Linguistik/Literatur-/Kulturwissenschaft) erfolgen.

Module examination

Für Studierende mit Studienbeginn ab WS 2023/24:
3 Prüfungsleistungen:
1 Hausarbeit oder
1 Referat/Präsentation mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung oder
1 Portfolio oder
1 Poster-Session mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung
(Fachdidaktik 50%)
1 Projekt (25%; Fachdidaktik oder andere anglistische Fachwissenschaft)
1 Portfolio Sprachpraxis (25%)

Für Studierende mit Studienbeginn vor WS 2023/24:
2 Prüfungsleistungen:
1 Hausarbeit oder
1 Referat/Präsentation mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung oder
1 Portfolio oder
1 Poster-Session mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung
(9 KP)
1 Portfolio (3 KP)

Für Studierende mit Studienbeginn vor WS 2022/23: 
Ein bereits nach den bisherigen Bestimmungen absolviertes Modul ang702 behält seine Gültigkeit und wird als Teilleistung mit 9 KP für das Modul ang713 anerkannt. 3 KP sind noch zu absolvieren. Für ein bereits begonnenes, jedoch noch nicht vollständig abgeschlossenes Modul ang702 gilt S. 1 unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen bisherigen Prüfungsleistungen entsprechend.

Hinweis: Die von den Lehrenden festgelegte aktive Teilnahme in den Übungen wird mit bestanden / nicht bestanden gewertet.

Hinweis zur Liste der Lehrenden: Bitte beachten Sie, dass jeweils die im Semester Lehrenden prüfungsberechtigt sind

Skills to be acquired in this module

Studierende können didaktische und methodische Problemstellungen beim Aufbau von fremdsprachlichen Kompetenzen reflektiert darstellen und auf Aspekte der Unterrichtsgestaltung übertragen und insbesondere

  • Hypothesen und Theorien zum Fremdsprachenerwerb anwendungsorientiert beschreiben und erläutern
  • Ansätze und Verfahren kommunikativen Unterrichtens erläutern
  • Entwicklungen von fremdsprachlichen Fähigkeiten theoriegeleitet beschreiben
  • Neuere didaktische Konzepte auch digitalisierten fremdsprachlichen Lehrens und Lernens einordnen und erläutern 
  • Kriterien für die Evaluation von Unterrichtsmodellen theoriegeleitet entwickeln und benennen
  • Unterrichtsmodelle entwerfen und theoriegeleitet begründen
  • Unterrichtsmaterial lerner_innen- und kompetenzorientiert erstellen und in semi-authentische Unterrichtskontexte (Micro-Teaching) integrieren
  • Prozesse der Didaktisierung erörtern und auf Aspekte der Unterrichtsplanung sowie - durchführung anwenden
  • Fachwissenschaftlich akzentuierte Problemstellungen aufgabengeleitet didaktisieren 
  • Dimensionen von Heterogenität, Diversität und Inklusion fachspezifisch aus fremdsprachendidaktischer Sicht für die Unterrichtspraxis erläutern und einordnen.