neu600 - Neuroscience Research Project (Course overview)

neu600 - Neuroscience Research Project (Course overview)

Department of Neurosciences 15 KP
all MSc Neuroscience teachers, see list of examinors
Module components Semester courses Sommersemester 2023 Examination
Project practical training
Notes on the module
Depending on project choice, please check Stud.IP and ask the supervisor. Module can be taken multiple times, however, supervision of individual projects is limited to 45 ECTS for the same combination of student and supervisor (1 research module + Master thesis OR up to 3 research modules, including external research projects)
  • within 2 months after conclusion of lab work
  • in addition, mandatory but ungraded: presentation at lab seminar
Module examination
Skills to be acquired in this module

+ Neurosci. knowlg.

++ Expt. Methods

++ Independent research

++ Scient. Literature

+ Social skills

+ Interdiscipl. knowlg.

+ Maths/Stats/Progr.

+ Data present./disc.

+ Scientific English

+ Ethics

Students perform individual research projects to learn:

  • planning and organization of a research project in a group outside of University of
  • Oldenburg
  • formulate a scientific hypothesis
  • planning, performing and analyzing experiments and / or simulations
  • working with scientific background literature on the specific context of the project
  • oral presentation and discussion of backgrounds and results in the lab seminar
  • write a scientific report
  • prepare and present a scientific poster

Module may serve as preparation for a Master's thesis.