bio223 - Introductory Botany (Plant Anatomy and Histology) (Course overview)

bio223 - Introductory Botany (Plant Anatomy and Histology) (Course overview)

Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2023/2024 Examination
Tutorial (optional)
Notes on the module


Reference text

Modul für Studierende mit Studienbeginn ab dem WiSe 23/24. Studierende mit Studienbeginn vor dem WiSe 23/24 studieren das Modul bio220. (Übergangsbestimmung bis zum Sommersemester 2025; auf Antrag und mit Zustimmung des Prüfungsausschusses ist für Studierende mit einem Studienbeginn vor WiSe 2023/24 auch ein Wechsel in die aktuelle Prüfungsordnung möglich).

Written examination in the final week
Module examination
1 written examination; voluntary bonus (10%) PLEASE NOTE: Additional conditions regarding attendance and ungraded activities as determined by the persons responsible for the module will apply.
Skills to be acquired in this module
++ biological knowledge + knowledge of biological working methods ++ biologically relevant knowledge in the natural sciences and mathematics + abstract, logical, analytical thinking + independent learning and (research-based) working + teamwork
THEORY: * To understand the fundamentals of reconstructing phylogenetic relationships * To know the cell structures, organization, and reproduction of plants  * To know the morphology and anatomy of individual species
PRACTICE: * To improve and verify the theoretical knowledge acquired from lectures and textbooks by studying the original * To train visual and tactile perception by studying various species * To learn that representations in textbooks are abstractions of a much more complex reality * To be able to criticize representations in textbooks and models * To acquire the knowledge of the function in living plants by studying preserved specimens * Learning how to follow preparation instructions * Learning that the organization of individual species may be highly variable * Preparing records or drawings from the information obtained by original specimens studied