lök345 - Advanced Limnology (Course overview)

lök345 - Advanced Limnology (Course overview)

Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Wintersemester 2019/2020 Examination
Notes on the module
Basic knowledge of taxonomy + determination of mainly invertebrates, basic skills in faunistic field methods, L Animal Ecology
Reference text
The courses of this module are integrated into lök350 "Special Animal Ecology" (9 CP). Students graduating in Special Animal Ecology cannot graduate in Special Aquatic Ecology.
Before the end of the module.
Module examination
Special exercise or Assignment
Skills to be acquired in this module
Special Aquatic Ecology
The module imparts general and special knowledge of the ecology of typical floodplain water systems with special emphasis on floodplain dynamics and the resulting processes related to those water systems.
Floodplain development and (faunistic) biodiversity are further main topics comprising e.g. the explanation of ecological conditions and colonisation processes and referring to questions of nature protection, examining the habitat preference of selected species and describing the population development of typical floodplain species.

E Special Aquatic Ecology
Familiarization with the course of a planning process on the basis of an exemplary project in Northwest Germany; independent development of a concept of methods for assessing the faunistic actual state and subsequent realization in the field; scientific documentation and ecologically relevant assessment of the situation in the project area using selected indicator groups (scientific determination of selected taxa); preparation of final expert opinions on the project