pre311 - Renewable Energy Basics (Course overview)

pre311 - Renewable Energy Basics (Course overview)

Institute of Physics 6 KP
Semester courses Wintersemester 2017/2018
Form of instruction: Seminar
Hinweise zum Modul
RE Basics Physics: After end of lectures (end of October)
Semiconductor Physics: After end of lectures (mid-December)
Electrical Power Systems: After end of lectures (mid-January)
Solar Spectrum Lab: During Semester
Module examination
RE Basics Physics (25%): Oral exercise (1 hour)
Semiconductor Physics (25%): Written exam (0.5 hours)
Electrical Power Systems (25%): Written exam (0.5 hours)
Solar Spectrum Lab (25%): Written report (10 - 20 pages)
Skills to be acquired in this module
After completing the module, the student will
- have a good understanding of the physical principles of Renewable Energy Technologies
- be able to apply principal mathematics related with the underlying physical laws and rules to measure and solve problems during their further studies
- have a good understanding of the fundamentals of electrical circuits and related physical laws
- have a good understanding of the fundamentals of electrical machines and the interaction of electrical components of the electric grid
- have a good understanding of the basic concepts of the photovoltaic effect in semi-conductors
- be familiar with the measurement procedures needed for the winter lab experiments in the subject related modules.
- be familiar with working and studying in intercultural teams
- be familiar with the experimental set-ups of the PPRE lab
- understand to relate physical, engineering, and mathematical laws to models of energy supply technologies.
- be able to establish simple models and measurement strategies to investigate the behaviour of the respective models.
- be familiar with the principles of scientific working