neu780 - Biological Data Analysis with Python (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

neu780 - Biological Data Analysis with Python (Veranstaltungsübersicht)

Department für Neurowissenschaften 6 KP
Modulteile Semesterveranstaltungen Wintersemester 2024/2025 Prüfungsleistung
  • Eingeschränkter Zugang 6.03.782 - Biological data analysis with Python Lehrende anzeigen
    • Prof. Dr. Michael Winklhofer

    Termine am Montag, 03.03.2025 - Freitag, 07.03.2025, Montag, 10.03.2025 - Freitag, 14.03.2025 08:00 - 18:00
    All participants have to use their private laptops and to download the latest version of Python (open source). For students of the program Master Neuroscience: It' possible to borrow a laptop for this lecture from the Student body (contact: Please sign up for the course only if your course schedule allows. In case you can't attend just on one or two days due to exams or visa interviews, you have the chance of making up for the missed time by self-study of the course documents, which will be uploaded at the end of each day.

  • Eingeschränkter Zugang 6.03.782 - Biological data analysis with Python Lehrende anzeigen
    • Prof. Dr. Michael Winklhofer

    Termine am Montag, 03.03.2025 - Freitag, 07.03.2025, Montag, 10.03.2025 - Freitag, 14.03.2025 08:00 - 18:00
    All participants have to use their private laptops and to download the latest version of Python (open source). For students of the program Master Neuroscience: It' possible to borrow a laptop for this lecture from the Student body (contact: Please sign up for the course only if your course schedule allows. In case you can't attend just on one or two days due to exams or visa interviews, you have the chance of making up for the missed time by self-study of the course documents, which will be uploaded at the end of each day.

Hinweise zum Modul
Shared course components with (cannot be credited twice): pb328 "Einführung in Datenanalyse mit Python" (Professionalisierungsmodul im Bachelorstudiengang Biologie)
Kapazität/Teilnehmerzahl 20
term break, immediately after the course (2 weeks in February)
Prüfungsleistung Modul
assignment of programming exercises, 4 out of 5 exercises to be assessed

+ Neurosci. knowlg.
++ Maths/Stats/Progr.
+ Data present./disc.

The ojective of the module is the acquistion of programming skills with focus on analysis of neurobiological datasets, using the programming language python. Python is available for any computer platform (PC, Mac, Linux) and is open source (for free), see

Students will learn how to write effective scripts for data processing and visualisation, making use of pre-existing program libraries for various generic purposes (maths, statistics, plotting, image analysis).

Typical applications will be analysis of time series (e.g., electrophysiological recordings, movement data), images (e.g. immunohistochemical images, MRI slices), and spatio-temporal correlations in volume data.
Students will also learn how to produce synthetica data from various noise models to assess signal-to-noise ratio in instrumental datasets.