inf007 - Information Systems I (Course overview)

inf007 - Information Systems I (Course overview)

Department of Computing Science 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2023/2024 Examination
Notes on the module

No participant requirement


At the end of the lecture period

Module examination

Written or oral exam

Skills to be acquired in this module

This module introduces the core concepts, languages and architectures of databases. In software systems these concepts are important.
Professional competence
The students:

  • name the core concepts of the languages and architectures of databases (especially)
  • select data models
  • integrate structuring concepts of information systems in their designs

Methodological competence
The students:

  • design database systems appropriatelyanalyse problems from the field of database-supported
  • information systems and solve them appropriately

Social competence
The students:

  •  enhance their ability to work in a team

The students:

  • reflect their problem-solving behaviour with regard to the information processing concepts