Theses: Topic overview

Theses: Topic overview

Thesis topic overview
Title Type of thesis Degree programmes Type of work Contact person Status Created Action
Entlastungspotenzial von Exoskeletten in der Pflege Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Sandra Hellmers
available 12/09/24
Bewegungsanalyse des Rückens mittels Sensorstreifen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Sandra Hellmers
available 12/09/24
"Hold on" - the attachment mechanism of epiphytes and vines "Halt Dich fest" - Der Anheftungmechsnismus von Epiphyten und Kletterpflanzen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Environmental Science
Bachelor's Programme Biology
Master's Programme Biology
Master's Programme Landscape Ecology
Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium) Biology
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Biology
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zotz
Dr. Jessica Tay Ying Ling
available 05/09/24
Demokratie- und Menschenrechtsbildung Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Education
Fach-Bachelor Pädagogisches Handeln in der Migrationsgesellschaft
not specified Prof. Dr. Ayca Polat
available 04/09/24
Schulisches Wohlbefinden & mentale Gesundheit von Lehrkräften und Schüler:innen Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Juliane Schlesier
available 04/09/24
Differenzverhältnisse und Heterogenität Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Education
Fach-Bachelor Pädagogisches Handeln in der Migrationsgesellschaft
Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) German
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Education
Master's Programme Educational Science
not specified Prof. Dr. Ayca Polat
available 04/09/24
Schulentwicklung (Unterrichts-, Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung) Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Wolfram Rollett
available 04/09/24
Soziale Beziehungen im inklusiven Grundschulunterricht Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Juliane Schlesier
available 04/09/24
Lern- und Organisationskultur an Ganztagsschulen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Wolfram Rollett
available 04/09/24
Innovative Unterrichtsmethoden im Grundschulunterricht Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Juliane Schlesier
available 04/09/24
Rassismus und Diskriminierungskritik in der Migrationsgesellschaft Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Education
Fach-Bachelor Pädagogisches Handeln in der Migrationsgesellschaft
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Education
Master's Programme Educational Science
not specified Prof. Dr. Ayca Polat
available 04/09/24
Machtdynamiken in Supervision aus Perspektive von Supervisor:innen im Kontext von Sozialer Arbeit Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Anne-Kathrin Will
assigned 04/09/24
Programm gegen Aggression und Gewalt. Versuch eines Umgangs mit der Gewalt in der Wendezeit Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Anne-Kathrin Will
assigned 04/09/24
Handlungsstrategien gegen den Lehrkräftemangel Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Anne-Kathrin Will
assigned 04/09/24
Umgang mit Emotionen und Emotionsregulation im Grundscchulunterricht Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Juliane Schlesier
available 04/09/24
Institutioneller Rassismus Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Anne-Kathrin Will
assigned 04/09/24
KI und Grundschule Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Felicitas Macgilchrist
assigned 04/09/24
Hundegestützte Interventionen mit Kindern und Jugendlichen mit AD(H)S Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Anne-Kathrin Will
assigned 04/09/24
Erweiterung von Web-Xerdi Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
assigned 03/09/24
Sichere Bereitstellung sensibler Informationen in Odysseus Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
available 03/09/24
Erstbetreuung: Schul-, Unterrichts- oder Profession(alisierungs)forschung Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Prof. Dr. Till-Sebastian Idel
available 03/09/24
ARG Manipulation Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
not specified Nicola Anna Thoben
available 02/09/24
Learning Contracts Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
not specified Nicola Anna Thoben
available 02/09/24
ACSL2C Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
not specified Nicola Anna Thoben
available 02/09/24
Active Learning for Bioacoustic Datasets Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Hannes Kath
available 27/08/24
Transfer Learning for Bioacoustics Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Hannes Kath
available 27/08/24
Liste der im Bereich Finance & Banking zu vergebenden Thesis-Themen (WS 2024/25) Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
Bachelor's Programme Business Administration and Law
Master's programme Business Administration: Management and Law
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
not specified Prof. Dr. Jörg Prokop
available 22/08/24
Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluation einer fortgeschrittenen KI für Cascadia Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
reserved 16/08/24
Aktualisierung des SWP Basisprojektes Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
assigned 14/08/24
Invasive plants as habitat for birds Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Environmental Science
Bachelor's Programme Biology
Master's Programme Biology
Master's Programme Landscape Ecology
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Biology
practical / application-focused Dr. Wieland Heim
available 08/08/24
Entwicklung eines KI-unterstützten Wissensmanagementsystems für die Steuerverwaltung (Landesamt für Steuern Niedersachsen) Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
in businesses Kristof Mose
available 01/08/24
Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluation einer fortgeschrittenen KI für Cascadia basierend auf evolutionären Algorithmen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
assigned 25/07/24
Forschungskooperation mit eduki: "Proof of Impact" Fokusgruppen-Studie Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

in businesses Julie Lüpkes, M.A.
available 18/07/24
Untersuchung der negativen Auswirkungen der digitalen Transformation in der öffentlichen Verwaltung – Eine Literaturanalyse Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
conceptual / theoretical Fabian Steinert, M. Sc.
reserved 15/07/24
Improvement of the Actuator Disk Method (ADM) in Large-eddy Simulations (LES) Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Jorrit Jan Rauff Meijer
available 11/07/24
Lerntherapie bei Dyskalkulie oder LRS Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Geography (in cooperation with the University of Bremen)
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) German
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Chemistry
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) History
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) English
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Protestant Theology and Religious Education
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Biology
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Music
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Elementary Mathematics
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Art
practical / application-focused Dr. Alissa Schüürmann
available 04/07/24
Erstellen synthetischer Messwerte des Stromnetzes mittels Neuronalen Netzen Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme European Master in Renewable Energy (EUREC)
Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems
Master's Programme Engineering Physics
Master's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Jelke Wibbeke, M. Sc.
available 02/07/24
Generation of Load Profiles for the Simulation of Smart Grids Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme European Master in Renewable Energy (EUREC)
Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems
Master's Programme Engineering Physics
Master's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Jelke Wibbeke, M. Sc.
available 02/07/24
Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluation einer fortgeschrittenen KI für Cascadia basierend auf Reinforcement Learning Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
assigned 26/06/24
Die Bevölkerungsentwicklung in den Industriestaaten: Probleme und Chancen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
Bachelor's Programme Business Administration and Law
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer
available 10/06/24
Die Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Entwicklungsländern: Probleme und Chancen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
Bachelor's Programme Business Administration and Law
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer
available 10/06/24
Die Entwicklung der Verschuldung von Entwicklungsländern Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
Bachelor's Programme Business Administration and Law
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer
available 10/06/24
Development of a Consistency Analysis Tool for Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Michael Mattern
available 30/05/24
Development of an Integrated, Cross-Functional System of KPIs for a Water Utility Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Business Informatics
not specified Michael Mattern
available 30/05/24
Exploring the Use of Generative AI to Formulate Meaningful Hypotheses on Statistical Associations and Causal Relationships Between KPIs Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Michael Mattern
available 30/05/24
Development of a Hybrid Data Model for Integrating Business Intelligence and Machine Learning Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Business Informatics
conceptual / theoretical Michael Mattern
available 30/05/24
Guerilla IoT (Internet of Things) Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Florian Schmalriede
Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter
available 27/05/24
Automatic Extraction of Research Software Metadata with AI Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Engineering of Socio-Technical Systems
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Stephan Alexander Ferenz, M. Sc.
Prof. Dr. Astrid Nieße
reserved 24/05/24
Wo kann ich mich beschweren? Interaktive Datenbank der Mängelmelder in deutschen Großstädten Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. phil. Maria Wolters
available 17/05/24
Inklusiver Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Maja Brückmann
available 04/09/24
