Thema: Bacterial community analysis of juvenile corals exposed to different temperatures in a long-term experiment

Thema: Bacterial community analysis of juvenile corals exposed to different temperatures in a long-term experiment


Titel Bacterial community analysis of juvenile corals exposed to different temperatures in a long-term experiment
Climate change is the biggest threat to coral reefs. However, we know little about the effect on the early life stages. Juvenile corals were exposed to different temperatures in an experimental setup for 12 months. The symbiotic dinoflagellate community and the physiological response of the corals have already been analyzed. The bacterial communities of the coral samples should now be analyzed in this Master thesis. How does the elevated temperature affect the bacterial community? Do we see differences that can explain the physiological responses we saw? 
Heimateinrichtung Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM)
Art der Arbeit nicht spezifiziert
Abschlussarbeitstyp Master
Autor Mareen Möller
Status verfügbar

The experiment is already finished and the samples are pre-processed. The project will mainly require work with microbiome sequencing data (16S rRNA/18S/ ITS amplicon data). The results of this thesis should be published in a peer reviewed journal.


Work process can be done in german or english but the thesis should be submitted in english


Recent Literature



Dr. Mareen Möller, Dr. Anna Roik, Prof. Dr. Peter Schupp






Interested candidates must bring along skills in 

  • R environment 

  •  Linux.


It would be great you already have experience with workflows such as:

  • QIIME2 and integrated tools 

  • PICRUSt2

  • Or similar tools 


Interested candidates should have experience in bioinformatics, and interest in ecological statistics, and handling of large data sets. A reasonable amount of lab experience including skills related to molecular biology can be of advantage. The applicant will be required to work independently and show initiative without constant supervision. 


Send us:

 1/2 pg  statement of interest incl. brief recap of research experience + proposed of research (including tools and skills you would like to learn)  

 1-2 pg CV

Please send applications to: and

Erstellt 06.03.2023