Topic: Development of a strategic aggregator for smart bidding in market-based redispatch 3.0

Topic: Development of a strategic aggregator for smart bidding in market-based redispatch 3.0

Personal details

Title Development of a strategic aggregator for smart bidding in market-based redispatch 3.0


In the context of Redispatch 3.0, the coordinated aggregation of flexibilities by an aggregator enables participation in a market platform.

Through strategic behavior, known as "In-Dec Gaming," aggregators can attempt to optimize their market position and maximize profits. This involves employing game-theoretic methods to adapt their bidding strategies to market conditions and the behavior of other participants.


The objective of this thesis is to develop and implement an aggregator that employs game-theoretic approaches to strategically bid in the Redispatch market. By analyzing the market design and applying game theory, optimal bidding strategies will be developed that leverage the potential of In-Dec Gaming while complying with regulatory requirements.

Home institution Department of Computing Science
Associated institutions
Type of work not specified
Type of thesis Master's degree
Author Malin Radtke, M. Sc.
Status available
Problem statement
  1. Familiarization with the topic (understanding the market platform and market mechanisms in the context of Redispatch 3.0, introduction to game theory with a focus on applications in the energy market, research on strategic bidding behavior and in-dec gaming on energy markets)
  2. Conception (development of a model and a strategy for the aggregator, taking into account regulatory framework conditions and possible sanctions)
  3. Implementation (implementation in a programming language, preferably Python, and simulation of various bidding strategies)
  4. Evaluation (comparison of the developed strategies and analysis of the effects)
  • Interest in energy markets and game theory
  • Experience with Python or a comparable language for implementing models and simulations
Created 10/12/24

Study data

  • Digitalisierte Energiesysteme
  • OFFIS - Energie
  • Energieinformatik
Degree programmes
  • Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems
  • Master's Programme Computing Science
  • Master's Programme Business Informatics
Assigned courses
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