Topic: Robotic assisted extraperitoneal ventral hernia repair – experiences of the first 100 consecutive cases in eTEP, eTAR and TAPP technique

Topic: Robotic assisted extraperitoneal ventral hernia repair – experiences of the first 100 consecutive cases in eTEP, eTAR and TAPP technique

Personal details

Title Robotic assisted extraperitoneal ventral hernia repair – experiences of the first 100 consecutive cases in eTEP, eTAR and TAPP technique

Retrospektive Datenanalyse mit Vergleich von Gruppen. Datenbank liegt vor. Als Forschungsarbeit aber ggf. auch als Promotion möglich.

Home institution General and Visceral Surgery
Type of work not specified
Type of thesis Human medicine research thesis
Author PD Dr. Nader El-Sourani
Status available
Problem statement

Retrospektive Datenauswertung mit Vergleich von Gruppen. Datenbank liegt vor. 


Erfahrung in statistischer Analyse notwendig! English-skills! (Publikationsbasiert!)

Created 25/09/24

Study data

Degree programmes
  • Master's Programme Physics, Engineering and Medicine
  • State Examination Programme Medicine
Assigned courses
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