Thema: Wind Turbine Wake Predictions Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Thema: Wind Turbine Wake Predictions Using Convolutional Neural Networks


Titel Wind Turbine Wake Predictions Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have originally been designed for image processing task. 
However, their structure was also shown to be very suitable for modelling task in fluid dynamics.
In an inital study we developed WakeNet, a deep convolutional neural network predicting the 3D flow field behind wind turbines, trained with high-fidelity simulation data.
Results from the initial were very promising, but left various open questions.

Heimateinrichtung Institut für Physik
Art der Arbeit praktisch / anwendungsbezogen
Abschlussarbeitstyp Master
Autor Dr. Henrik Asmuth
Status verfügbar
This Master thesis shall build on the initial implementation of WakeNet, perform a more rigorous validation of the model and eventually implement and test new CNN architectures to improve the model's prediction capabilities (e.g., ResNet or UNet)
- a strong interest and background knowledge in fluid dynamics and wind turbine aerodynamics
- at least basic experience in python
- a strong interest in deep learning
Erstellt 08.06.2023


  • Master European Master in Renewable Energy
  • Master Physik
  • Master Engineering Physics
  • Master Informatik
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