

Institute of English and American Studies Click here for PDF-Download

Summer semester 2025 110 Seminars
VAK Course Number Title Type Lecture
Preliminary studies
Advanced courses
Practical course
Research group
Project group
Council conference
Language course
Subject didactics
SWS Semester weekly hours Teachers Degree
3.02.049 SÜ Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Friday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Alena Cicholewski
  • Bachelor
3.02.022 Ü Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Ilka Flöck, she/ her
  • Bachelor
3.02.114 Ü Written English Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 Inga Zalyevska
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.485 Prüfungsverwaltung: Module ang702 und ang713 im Fach Englisch The course times are not decided yet.
Diese Stud.IP Veranstaltung wird für die digitale Prüfungsanmeldung und -verwaltung der Mastermodule ang702 (M.Ed. Grundschule) und ang713 (M.Ed. Haupt-/Realschule) verwendet. Studierende der entsprechenden Masterstudiengänge müssen sich in dem Semester eintragen, in dem Sie das Modul belegen. Die Anmeldung zur Prüfung ist nur über diese Veranstaltung möglich! Diese Stud.IP Veranstaltung wird für die digitale Prüfungsanmeldung und -verwaltung der Mastermodule ang702 (M.Ed. Grundschule) und ang713 (M.Ed. Haupt-/Realschule) verwendet. Studierende der entsprechenden Masterstudiengänge müssen sich in dem Semester eintragen, in dem Sie das Modul belegen. Die Anmeldung zur Prüfung ist nur über diese Veranstaltung möglich!
miscellaneous - Dr. Christian Kramer, he/him
  • Master of Education
3.02.306 KO New Research on English Literatures and Cultures Friday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Colloquium - Dr. Christian Lassen
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.483 S Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Seminar 2 Dr. Sylke Bakker
  • Master of Education
3.02.171 S Interlanguage Pragmatics: Studying EFL Learners' Pragmatic Competence Freitag: 08:00 - 10:00, wöchentlich (from 11/04/25)

“Hwæt sceolan we drinkan?”, what looks like an odd mixture of English and German is actually correct English – just more or less 1300 years old. One can still rather easily recognize the interrogative pronoun “what” only that the “hw” is nowadays reversed. “Sceolan” is probably a little hard to decipher at first glance, however at least for German natives it should – especially in combination with the last word of the question – be quickly identifiable as the equivalent to Modern English “shall” (or sollen – in OE the “sc” was pronounced as “sh”). The fellow who phrased this particular question therefore spoke perfect (Old) English, and yet how come that it looks more like a heavy German dialect than proper English? This issue will be one of the leading questions for this seminar. Where did the English language come from? Why is it even called English? Where did the languages before English go? Was there something like an “Old English period”? To answer those (and other questions) a period of language history lasting around 800 years will be examined. The focus will thereby not only lay with understanding the basics of Old English spelling, phonology and surface structure, but also in identifying key concepts of language contact and language change and how they have left traces within the everyday language we use. “Hwæt sceolan we drinkan?”, what looks like an odd mixture of English and German is actually correct English – just more or less 1300 years old. One can still rather easily recognize the interrogative pronoun “what” only that the “hw” is nowadays reversed. “Sceolan” is probably a little hard to decipher at first glance, however at least for German natives it should – especially in combination with the last word of the question – be quickly identifiable as the equivalent to Modern English “shall” (or sollen – in OE the “sc” was pronounced as “sh”). The fellow who phrased this particular question therefore spoke perfect (Old) English, and yet how come that it looks more like a heavy German dialect than proper English? This issue will be one of the leading questions for this seminar. Where did the English language come from? Why is it even called English? Where did the languages before English go? Was there something like an “Old English period”? To answer those (and other questions) a period of language history lasting around 800 years will be examined. The focus will thereby not only lay with understanding the basics of Old English spelling, phonology and surface structure, but also in identifying key concepts of language contact and language change and how they have left traces within the everyday language we use.
Seminar 2 Moss Bohrer, (keine Pronomen / they)
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.120 S Accounts of the Count: Dracula Rising Donnerstag: 12:00 - 14:00, wöchentlich (from 10/04/25)

Seminar 2 Dr. Christian Lassen
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.180 S Titel folgt Dienstag: 14:00 - 16:00, wöchentlich (from 08/04/25)

Seminar 2 Stephanie Kaucke
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.202 S Media Literacy in ELT (LA) Monday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Seminar 2 Dr. Birte Sause
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.140 S Communicating Science - Engaging (with) Nature: Film & Television Documentaries and the Environment Donnerstag: 10:00 - 12:00, wöchentlich (from 10/04/25)

Some of the earliest documentary films, such as In the Land of the Head Hunters (1914) and Nanook of the North (1922), explore the relationship between human beings and their natural environments. Both Head Hunters and Nanook are also (pseudo-)scientific films, (purported) ethnographic studies of "primitive" peoples. As such, they demonstrate the close interconnection between science and motion pictures--indeed, motion pictures became important tools of scientific observation and inquiry practically as soon as they were discovered. In this seminar, we will explore ways in which documentary films frame (scientific) knowledge about nature, the environment, and humankind's varied relationships and entanglements with the natural world. In so doing, we will soon discover that films that seem to center on nature often say more about humans than the natural world they purport to represent. Films likely to be discussed (selection): Nanook of the North (1922) The Living Desert (1953) The Vanishing Prairie (1954) Life on Earth (1979) An Inconvenient Truth (2006) The National Parks: America's Best Idea (2009) Life (2009) Racing Extinction (2015) Anthropocene: The Human Epoch (2017) Some of the earliest documentary films, such as In the Land of the Head Hunters (1914) and Nanook of the North (1922), explore the relationship between human beings and their natural environments. Both Head Hunters and Nanook are also (pseudo-)scientific films, (purported) ethnographic studies of "primitive" peoples. As such, they demonstrate the close interconnection between science and motion pictures--indeed, motion pictures became important tools of scientific observation and inquiry practically as soon as they were discovered. In this seminar, we will explore ways in which documentary films frame (scientific) knowledge about nature, the environment, and humankind's varied relationships and entanglements with the natural world. In so doing, we will soon discover that films that seem to center on nature often say more about humans than the natural world they purport to represent. Films likely to be discussed (selection): Nanook of the North (1922) The Living Desert (1953) The Vanishing Prairie (1954) Life on Earth (1979) An Inconvenient Truth (2006) The National Parks: America's Best Idea (2009) Life (2009) Racing Extinction (2015) Anthropocene: The Human Epoch (2017)
Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Anton Kirchhofer
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.141 S Communicating Science - Engaging (with) Nature: Film & Television Documentaries and the Environment Dienstag: 10:00 - 12:00, wöchentlich (from 08/04/25)

Some of the earliest documentary films, such as In the Land of the Head Hunters (1914) and Nanook of the North (1922), explore the relationship between human beings and their natural environments. Both Head Hunters and Nanook are also (pseudo-)scientific films, (purported) ethnographic studies of "primitive" peoples. As such, they demonstrate the close interconnection between science and motion pictures--indeed, motion pictures became important tools of scientific observation and inquiry practically as soon as they were discovered. In this seminar, we will explore ways in which documentary films frame (scientific) knowledge about nature, the environment, and humankind's varied relationships and entanglements with the natural world. In so doing, we will soon discover that films that seem to center on nature often say more about humans than the natural world they purport to represent. Films likely to be discussed (selection): Nanook of the North (1922) The Living Desert (1953) The Vanishing Prairie (1954) Life on Earth (1979) An Inconvenient Truth (2006) The National Parks: America's Best Idea (2009) Life (2009) Racing Extinction (2015) Anthropocene: The Human Epoch (2017) Some of the earliest documentary films, such as In the Land of the Head Hunters (1914) and Nanook of the North (1922), explore the relationship between human beings and their natural environments. Both Head Hunters and Nanook are also (pseudo-)scientific films, (purported) ethnographic studies of "primitive" peoples. As such, they demonstrate the close interconnection between science and motion pictures--indeed, motion pictures became important tools of scientific observation and inquiry practically as soon as they were discovered. In this seminar, we will explore ways in which documentary films frame (scientific) knowledge about nature, the environment, and humankind's varied relationships and entanglements with the natural world. In so doing, we will soon discover that films that seem to center on nature often say more about humans than the natural world they purport to represent. Films likely to be discussed (selection): Nanook of the North (1922) The Living Desert (1953) The Vanishing Prairie (1954) Life on Earth (1979) An Inconvenient Truth (2006) The National Parks: America's Best Idea (2009) Life (2009) Racing Extinction (2015) Anthropocene: The Human Epoch (2017)
Seminar 2 Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michaela Keck
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.310 DS Directed Studies Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

miscellaneous - Dr. Anna Auguscik
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.047 SÜ Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Friday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Christian Lassen
  • Bachelor
3.02.112 Ü Written English (Rush) Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 in Bearbeitung
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.023 Ü Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Ilka Flöck, she/ her
  • Bachelor
3.02.040 V Historical Backgrounds and Critical Concepts Thursday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Lecture 2 Prof. Dr. Martin Butler
Prof. Dr. Anton Kirchhofer
Prof. Dr. Julia Wurr
  • Bachelor
3.02.971 Michel Foucault und die Literaturwissenschaft Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Michel Foucaults Schriften zur Relation von Macht und Wissen, zur Subjektivierung, sein Diskursbegriff oder seine Theorie der Autorschaft haben die literaturwissenschaftliche Theoriebildung maßgeblich bestimmt und sind auch für die Analyse literarischer Texte produktiv gemacht worden. Das Seminar soll in Foucaults Historische Diskursanalyse einführen und ihre Anschlüsse für die literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse erproben. Dazu sollen im Seminar zunächst ausgewählte Schriften Foucaults behandelt werden und im Anschluss daran literarische Texte aus der Perspektive Foucaults gelesen werden. Am 14.5. wird im Rahmen des Seminars ein Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Rob Mitchell (Duke University, USA) stattfinden. Die folgenden Texte Michel Foucaults stehen (jeweils in Auszügen) auf dem Programm: 1. “Qu‘est-ce qu‘un auteur?“ / „Was ist ein Autor?“ / “What is an Author?“ (1969) 2. Histoire de la sexualité I: La volonté de savoir /Der Wille zum Wissen. Sexualität und Wahrheit I / History of Sexuality, Vol. 1 (1976) 3. Surveiller et Punir / Überwachen und Strafen / Discipline and Punish (1975) 4. Le Mots et les Choses / Die Ordnung der Dinge / The Order of Things (1966). Dazu sollen die folgenden literarischen Texte sollen gelesen werden: • Laurence Sterne: The Life And Opinions Of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759-67) • Georg Büchner: Woyzeck (1836/37) Das Seminar wird für Studierende der Anglistik und der Germanistik angeboten und soll auch die beiden Fächer mit einander ins Gespräch bringen. Das Seminar findet (weitgehend) auf Deutsch statt. Foucaults Texte können entweder auf Deutsch oder auf Englisch gelesen werden, ein Reader mit den entsprechenden deutschen und englischen Übersetzungen wird auf Stud.IP zur Verfügung gestellt. Für die (vorbereitende) Lektüre von Sternes Tristram Shandy und Büchners Woyzeck werden folgende Ausgaben zur Anschaffung empfohlen: • Laurence Sterne. Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman [1759-1767]. Ed. Melvyn New and Joan New. Penguin Classics 2003. (ISBN: 978-0-14-143977-8) (Germanistikstudierende können auch die folgende Übersetzung lesen: L.S.: Leben und Meinungen von Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, Übersetzt von Otto Weith, Stuttgart: Reclam 2010, ISBN: 978-3-15-018711-1) Bis Ende Mai ist die Kenntnis der ersten vier Bücher verpflichtend. • Georg Büchner: Woyzeck. Stuttgart: Reclam 2022 (ISBN: 978-3-15-014323-0) Vorausgesetzt werden kontinuierliche Lektüre und regelmäßige Teilnahme an den Seminarsitzungen. Zur aktiven Teilnahme gehört außerdem die Einreichung von Lektüreprotokollen und Thesenpapieren. Prüfungsart: Hausarbeit Michel Foucaults Schriften zur Relation von Macht und Wissen, zur Subjektivierung, sein Diskursbegriff oder seine Theorie der Autorschaft haben die literaturwissenschaftliche Theoriebildung maßgeblich bestimmt und sind auch für die Analyse literarischer Texte produktiv gemacht worden. Das Seminar soll in Foucaults Historische Diskursanalyse einführen und ihre Anschlüsse für die literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse erproben. Dazu sollen im Seminar zunächst ausgewählte Schriften Foucaults behandelt werden und im Anschluss daran literarische Texte aus der Perspektive Foucaults gelesen werden. Am 14.5. wird im Rahmen des Seminars ein Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Rob Mitchell (Duke University, USA) stattfinden. Die folgenden Texte Michel Foucaults stehen (jeweils in Auszügen) auf dem Programm: 1. “Qu‘est-ce qu‘un auteur?“ / „Was ist ein Autor?“ / “What is an Author?“ (1969) 2. Histoire de la sexualité I: La volonté de savoir /Der Wille zum Wissen. Sexualität und Wahrheit I / History of Sexuality, Vol. 1 (1976) 3. Surveiller et Punir / Überwachen und Strafen / Discipline and Punish (1975) 4. Le Mots et les Choses / Die Ordnung der Dinge / The Order of Things (1966). Dazu sollen die folgenden literarischen Texte sollen gelesen werden: • Laurence Sterne: The Life And Opinions Of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759-67) • Georg Büchner: Woyzeck (1836/37) Das Seminar wird für Studierende der Anglistik und der Germanistik angeboten und soll auch die beiden Fächer mit einander ins Gespräch bringen. Das Seminar findet (weitgehend) auf Deutsch statt. Foucaults Texte können entweder auf Deutsch oder auf Englisch gelesen werden, ein Reader mit den entsprechenden deutschen und englischen Übersetzungen wird auf Stud.IP zur Verfügung gestellt. Für die (vorbereitende) Lektüre von Sternes Tristram Shandy und Büchners Woyzeck werden folgende Ausgaben zur Anschaffung empfohlen: • Laurence Sterne. Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman [1759-1767]. Ed. Melvyn New and Joan New. Penguin Classics 2003. (ISBN: 978-0-14-143977-8) (Germanistikstudierende können auch die folgende Übersetzung lesen: L.S.: Leben und Meinungen von Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, Übersetzt von Otto Weith, Stuttgart: Reclam 2010, ISBN: 978-3-15-018711-1) Bis Ende Mai ist die Kenntnis der ersten vier Bücher verpflichtend. • Georg Büchner: Woyzeck. Stuttgart: Reclam 2022 (ISBN: 978-3-15-014323-0) Vorausgesetzt werden kontinuierliche Lektüre und regelmäßige Teilnahme an den Seminarsitzungen. Zur aktiven Teilnahme gehört außerdem die Einreichung von Lektüreprotokollen und Thesenpapieren. Prüfungsart: Hausarbeit
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Anton Kirchhofer
Prof. Dr. Urte Helduser
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.970 S Imperialism and Malthusianism in Early Nineteenth-Century Fiction Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Julia Wurr
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.400 Ü English for Educational Purposes Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 Lauren Freede
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.073 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills (Rush) Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 in Bearbeitung
  • Bachelor
3.02.113 Ü Written English Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 Inga Zalyevska
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.150 S The Post-Apocalyptic American City Donnerstag: 18:00 - 20:00, wöchentlich (from 10/04/25)

John Winthrop, Puritan leader and first governor of Massachusetts, famously described the British colony in the New World as a "city upon a hill." Winthrop's city established "a model of the American national imagination" (Bercovitch) and epitomized an exceptionalist narrative that imagined "the eyes of all people [...] upon" the Puritans. American cities have since often been associated with the future; however, this future has not always been defined by technological superiority and wealth, with actualizing the seemingly unlimited potentials of the New World. Indeed, post-apocalyptic American cities seem to permeate the popular imagination just as much as optimistic portrayals of American cities. In this seminar, we will discuss representations of various post-apocalyptic American cities. While introductory lectures will trace these representations to the early days of the American national project, our focus will be on cultural artifacts produced since the early twentieth century. We will (largely) progress chronologically through various media. Likely texts: Jack London, The Scarlet Plague (novella, 1912) W.E.B. Du Bois, "The Comet" (short story, 1920) Quiet, Please! (radio program, select episodes, 1947-1949) Dimension X (radio program, select episodes, 1950-1951) Richard Matheson, I Am Legend (novel, 1954) + I Am Legend (movie, 2007) The World, the Flesh, and the Devil (movie, 1959) On the Beach (movie, 1959) Judge Dredd (select comics from the late 1970s and 2012 movie) The Walking Dead (select comics and pilot episode of original TV series) Colson Whitehead, Zone One (novel, 2011) The Last of Us (videogame, 2013) Jeff Vandermeer, Borne (novel, 2017) Blade Runner 2049 (movie, 2017) John Winthrop, Puritan leader and first governor of Massachusetts, famously described the British colony in the New World as a "city upon a hill." Winthrop's city established "a model of the American national imagination" (Bercovitch) and epitomized an exceptionalist narrative that imagined "the eyes of all people [...] upon" the Puritans. American cities have since often been associated with the future; however, this future has not always been defined by technological superiority and wealth, with actualizing the seemingly unlimited potentials of the New World. Indeed, post-apocalyptic American cities seem to permeate the popular imagination just as much as optimistic portrayals of American cities. In this seminar, we will discuss representations of various post-apocalyptic American cities. While introductory lectures will trace these representations to the early days of the American national project, our focus will be on cultural artifacts produced since the early twentieth century. We will (largely) progress chronologically through various media. Likely texts: Jack London, The Scarlet Plague (novella, 1912) W.E.B. Du Bois, "The Comet" (short story, 1920) Quiet, Please! (radio program, select episodes, 1947-1949) Dimension X (radio program, select episodes, 1950-1951) Richard Matheson, I Am Legend (novel, 1954) + I Am Legend (movie, 2007) The World, the Flesh, and the Devil (movie, 1959) On the Beach (movie, 1959) Judge Dredd (select comics from the late 1970s and 2012 movie) The Walking Dead (select comics and pilot episode of original TV series) Colson Whitehead, Zone One (novel, 2011) The Last of Us (videogame, 2013) Jeff Vandermeer, Borne (novel, 2017) Blade Runner 2049 (movie, 2017)
Seminar 2 Dr. phil. Julius Greve
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.079 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 Inga Zalyevska
  • Bachelor
3.02.315 KO Doing Research in Didactics/Begleitung und Nachbereitung Projektband (GHR300) im Fach Englisch Thursday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Colloquium - Dr. Christian Kramer, he/him
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.050 SÜ Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Exercises 2 Rebecca Käpernick, M.A.
  • Bachelor
3.02.405 Ü English for Educational Purposes The course times are not decided yet.
Exercises - Lauren Freede
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.999 S Multiple Imaginations: Germany's Pasts and Presents Part 2: National Socialism and German Reunification (LA) The course times are not decided yet.
The second part of the seminar builds on the main themes of the first seminar on representations, imaginations, narratives and power relations (see announcement for Part 1 in December). The focus this weekend will be on the German culture of remembrance after the Second World War with regard to National Socialism and the so-called German re-unification. We will deal with the question of how the memory of National Socialism in general and voices of Jews and other persecutees and survivors have long been, and still are, warded off and repressed. Further, we will look at how, especially survivors and their descendants have fought for and established spaces of remembrance. With regard to re-unification, the question also arises as to which events/voices and contents are remembered and which are suppressed and why, in societal discourse. Also of interest is how denial is linked to anti-Semitism and racism and how other/counter narratives can challenge anti-Semitic and racist conditions and relations. Part of this seminar is an excursion to the submarine bunker "Valentin" in Bremen-Farge, which was built by forced labourers under National Socialism. In addition, we will use selected texts and films to engage in a conversation about remembrance culture and representations in the German context. It is possible to participate in this second part independent of participation in the first part in December although we recommend you participate in both. The second part of the seminar builds on the main themes of the first seminar on representations, imaginations, narratives and power relations (see announcement for Part 1 in December). The focus this weekend will be on the German culture of remembrance after the Second World War with regard to National Socialism and the so-called German re-unification. We will deal with the question of how the memory of National Socialism in general and voices of Jews and other persecutees and survivors have long been, and still are, warded off and repressed. Further, we will look at how, especially survivors and their descendants have fought for and established spaces of remembrance. With regard to re-unification, the question also arises as to which events/voices and contents are remembered and which are suppressed and why, in societal discourse. Also of interest is how denial is linked to anti-Semitism and racism and how other/counter narratives can challenge anti-Semitic and racist conditions and relations. Part of this seminar is an excursion to the submarine bunker "Valentin" in Bremen-Farge, which was built by forced labourers under National Socialism. In addition, we will use selected texts and films to engage in a conversation about remembrance culture and representations in the German context. It is possible to participate in this second part independent of participation in the first part in December although we recommend you participate in both.
Seminar - Dr. Tobias Linnemann
  • Master
3.02.170 No title Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

“Hwæt sceolan we drinkan?”, what looks like an odd mixture of English and German is actually correct English – just more or less 1300 years old. One can still rather easily recognize the interrogative pronoun “what” only that the “hw” is nowadays reversed. “Sceolan” is probably a little hard to decipher at first glance, however at least for German natives it should – especially in combination with the last word of the question – be quickly identifiable as the equivalent to Modern English “shall” (or sollen – in OE the “sc” was pronounced as “sh”). The fellow who phrased this particular question therefore spoke perfect (Old) English, and yet how come that it looks more like a heavy German dialect than proper English? This issue will be one of the leading questions for this seminar. Where did the English language come from? Why is it even called English? Where did the languages before English go? Was there something like an “Old English period”? To answer those (and other questions) a period of language history lasting around 800 years will be examined. The focus will thereby not only lay with understanding the basics of Old English spelling, phonology and surface structure, but also in identifying key concepts of language contact and language change and how they have left traces within the everyday language we use. “Hwæt sceolan we drinkan?”, what looks like an odd mixture of English and German is actually correct English – just more or less 1300 years old. One can still rather easily recognize the interrogative pronoun “what” only that the “hw” is nowadays reversed. “Sceolan” is probably a little hard to decipher at first glance, however at least for German natives it should – especially in combination with the last word of the question – be quickly identifiable as the equivalent to Modern English “shall” (or sollen – in OE the “sc” was pronounced as “sh”). The fellow who phrased this particular question therefore spoke perfect (Old) English, and yet how come that it looks more like a heavy German dialect than proper English? This issue will be one of the leading questions for this seminar. Where did the English language come from? Why is it even called English? Where did the languages before English go? Was there something like an “Old English period”? To answer those (and other questions) a period of language history lasting around 800 years will be examined. The focus will thereby not only lay with understanding the basics of Old English spelling, phonology and surface structure, but also in identifying key concepts of language contact and language change and how they have left traces within the everyday language we use.
Seminar 2 Nils Rademacher
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.302 KO Research Colloquium in Language Use, Variation and Change Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Colloquium - Prof. Dr. Ronald Geluykens
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.220 Screening Europe: Representations of Europe in US-American Film and TV The course times are not decided yet.
“I may not know much but I do know that Europeans love Americans.” This is what Peter Parker’s sidekick Ned tells him as they set off on their school trip to Europe in the new "Spider-Man: Far from Home" movie (2019). This is just one example of a common trope in US-American film: the trip to Europe. Some US-American TV series also dedicate special “vacation episodes” to certain cities in Europe (e.g. “Friends,” “Parks and Recreation,” or “Gossip Girl”). In each of these cases, a certain notion of Europe, European cities, and Europeans is constructed. These notions often times include stereotypes, myths, and romantic ideas, e.g., sexual freedom, cheap alcohol, and old castles. No matter how different the films and TV series are, each of these representations reproduces but also constructs an idea of Europe, certain parts of Europe, and the people who live there. In the seminar, we will have a look at different representations of Europe in film and TV. With a representation-critical approach and the methodological toolkit of film analysis, global perspectives of Europe or parts of Europe and what it means to be European will be examined and analyzed. Guiding questions will be inter alia: - How is Europe represented? - Which filmic devices are employed to construct or support a certain notion of Europe? - What is represented/suggested/identified as (stereo)typical European? - Which voices are heard, which are not? What is made visible and what remains invisible? The course is primarily geared at international exchange students participating in the "European Studies in Global Perspectives" program, but it is also open to University of Oldenburg students. “I may not know much but I do know that Europeans love Americans.” This is what Peter Parker’s sidekick Ned tells him as they set off on their school trip to Europe in the new "Spider-Man: Far from Home" movie (2019). This is just one example of a common trope in US-American film: the trip to Europe. Some US-American TV series also dedicate special “vacation episodes” to certain cities in Europe (e.g. “Friends,” “Parks and Recreation,” or “Gossip Girl”). In each of these cases, a certain notion of Europe, European cities, and Europeans is constructed. These notions often times include stereotypes, myths, and romantic ideas, e.g., sexual freedom, cheap alcohol, and old castles. No matter how different the films and TV series are, each of these representations reproduces but also constructs an idea of Europe, certain parts of Europe, and the people who live there. In the seminar, we will have a look at different representations of Europe in film and TV. With a representation-critical approach and the methodological toolkit of film analysis, global perspectives of Europe or parts of Europe and what it means to be European will be examined and analyzed. Guiding questions will be inter alia: - How is Europe represented? - Which filmic devices are employed to construct or support a certain notion of Europe? - What is represented/suggested/identified as (stereo)typical European? - Which voices are heard, which are not? What is made visible and what remains invisible? The course is primarily geared at international exchange students participating in the "European Studies in Global Perspectives" program, but it is also open to University of Oldenburg students.
Seminar - Lea Brenningmeyer
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.055 Repetitorium: Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Friday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Anna Auguscik
  • Bachelor
3.02.100 Ü Spoken English Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 Lauren Freede
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.192 S Digital EFL Learning Thursday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Digitalization and digitization have become ever-present features of our daily life. As such, digital and social media as well as the processes and possibilities they enable – immediate and ever-ready access to a seemingly infinite (yet not always reliable) stream of; simplified modes of communication and mobility; instantaneous availability of numerous tools, apps and services within a finger tap or swipe – are also an integral part of educational contexts that focus on foreign language learning and teaching. On the end of foreign language learners digital media and the competence(s) and skills to efficiently, appropriately – and critically – use them form a relevant asset for their (professional) future lives in and of themselves. They also pose the potential to support and facilitate the learning of English as both foreign language and multilingua franca. On the end of foreign language teachers digital media and AI offer means to enhance and transform pretty much every stage of lesson planning and conduction: from mere substitution and augmentation of established forms of teaching to the modification and ultimately redefinition of task designs and classroom activities. Theoretically, this seminar offers insights into approaches that integrate communicative foreign language teaching/learning and blended/digital learning as well as relevant competence models as defined by educational policy documents from the European (e.g. Common European Framework of Reference + Companion Volume; European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators) and national (KMK Bildungsstandards; Strategiepaper ‘Bildung in der digitalen Welt’) down to the federal (curricula for lower saxony for English as a foreign language) level. Practically, it offers the opportunity to work with various digital tools in the context of lesson planning and foreign language learning (e.g. courseware, ChatGPT, Kahoot, ONCOO, Quizzlet, etc.). The seminar will profit from combining theoretically and practically informed perspectives on the topic and will include a workshop during which students will form groups to develop and present school form specific blended learning units with the outlook of those units being incorporated into future seminars. This course’s assessment requirements and formats will be explained in the first session. They can also be accessed on Stud.IP in the section course information. Key Words: digital competence, (critical) digital literacy, teaching & learning English as a foreign language, digital media, digitalization, tasked-based language learning, flipped classrooms, blended learning, gamification, artificial intelligence Digitalization and digitization have become ever-present features of our daily life. As such, digital and social media as well as the processes and possibilities they enable – immediate and ever-ready access to a seemingly infinite (yet not always reliable) stream of; simplified modes of communication and mobility; instantaneous availability of numerous tools, apps and services within a finger tap or swipe – are also an integral part of educational contexts that focus on foreign language learning and teaching. On the end of foreign language learners digital media and the competence(s) and skills to efficiently, appropriately – and critically – use them form a relevant asset for their (professional) future lives in and of themselves. They also pose the potential to support and facilitate the learning of English as both foreign language and multilingua franca. On the end of foreign language teachers digital media and AI offer means to enhance and transform pretty much every stage of lesson planning and conduction: from mere substitution and augmentation of established forms of teaching to the modification and ultimately redefinition of task designs and classroom activities. Theoretically, this seminar offers insights into approaches that integrate communicative foreign language teaching/learning and blended/digital learning as well as relevant competence models as defined by educational policy documents from the European (e.g. Common European Framework of Reference + Companion Volume; European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators) and national (KMK Bildungsstandards; Strategiepaper ‘Bildung in der digitalen Welt’) down to the federal (curricula for lower saxony for English as a foreign language) level. Practically, it offers the opportunity to work with various digital tools in the context of lesson planning and foreign language learning (e.g. courseware, ChatGPT, Kahoot, ONCOO, Quizzlet, etc.). The seminar will profit from combining theoretically and practically informed perspectives on the topic and will include a workshop during which students will form groups to develop and present school form specific blended learning units with the outlook of those units being incorporated into future seminars. This course’s assessment requirements and formats will be explained in the first session. They can also be accessed on Stud.IP in the section course information. Key Words: digital competence, (critical) digital literacy, teaching & learning English as a foreign language, digital media, digitalization, tasked-based language learning, flipped classrooms, blended learning, gamification, artificial intelligence
Seminar 2 Dr. Christian Kramer, he/him
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.305 KO New Research in American Literary and Cultural Studies Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Colloquium - Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michaela Keck
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.980 S Married or Single? 19th-Century American Women's Fiction and the Politics of Marriage Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Seminar 2 Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michaela Keck
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.082 Compulsory Stay Abroad [Anglistik/Amerikanistik] Dates on Wednesday, 08.11.2023, Wednesday, 29.11.2023, Wednesday, 17.01.2024, Wednesday, 24.01.2024, Wednesday, 17.04.2024, Wednesday, 2 ...(more), Location: A07 0-031, V03 0-E003, A01 0-005 (+1 more)
miscellaneous - Lauren Freede
Dr. Anna Auguscik
  • Bachelor
3.02.161 S English Phonology: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches Dienstag: 08:00 - 10:00, wöchentlich (from 08/04/25)

Seminar 2 Leah Klußmann
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.311 KO Doing Research in Didactics Monday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Colloquium - Dr. Sylke Bakker
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.102 Ü Spoken English (Rush) Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 in Bearbeitung
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.104 Ü Spoken English Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 Inga Zalyevska
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.951 S Dual Language Development: Word Order Phenomena Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Seminar 2 Dr. phil. Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.510 Ü Betreuung des Praxisblocks vor Ort (HR) im Unterrichtsfach Englisch The course times are not decided yet.
Exercises - Dr. Sylke Bakker
  • Master of Education
3.02.185 V Research Methods in Linguistics Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Lecture 2 Dr. Ilka Flöck, she/ her
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.950 S Non-native English Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Marcel Schlechtweg
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.201 S Why literature (still) matters: Finding, adapting and using literary texts in the EFL Classroom Tuesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Seminar 2 Dr. Sylke Bakker
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.076 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. David William West
  • Bachelor
3.02.931 S American English Monday: 17:00 - 20:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Seminar - Prof. Dr. Ronald Geluykens
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.086 Organisation and Supervision of Compulsory Stay Abroad Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 Lauren Freede
  • Bachelor
3.02.021 Ü Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Tuesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Ilka Flöck, she/ her
  • Bachelor
3.02.304 KO New Research in American Literary and Cultural Studies Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Colloquium - Prof. Dr. Martin Butler
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.026 Ü Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Monday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. phil. Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke
  • Bachelor
3.02.077 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. David William West
  • Bachelor
3.02.521 Ü Begleitung und Nachbereitung der Praxisphase GHR 300 im Unterrichtsfach Englisch (LA/LIP) Dates on Friday, 07.03.2025, Friday, 04.04.2025, Friday, 25.04.2025, Friday, 09.05.2025, Friday, 23.05.2025, Friday, 13.06.2025, Friday, 27.06.2025 12:00 - 14:00, Thursday, 03.07.2025 - Friday, 04.07.2025 08:00 - 16:00, Location: A01 0-010 b, A13 0-027, V03 0-C003
Exercises - Edeltraud Breiter
Alexandra Köhler
Dr. Christian Kramer, he/him
  • Master of Education
3.02.111 Ü Written English (Rush) Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 in Bearbeitung
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.110 Ü Written English Friday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Exercises 2 Inga Zalyevska
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.042 SÜ Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Friday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Anna Auguscik
  • Bachelor
3.02.041 SÜ Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Thursday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 Prof. Dr. Martin Butler
  • Bachelor
3.02.074 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills (Rush) Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 in Bearbeitung
  • Bachelor
3.02.200 S Multiculturalism and Literature Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Seminar 2 Dr. Sylke Bakker
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.410 Ü Academic Discourse Thursday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 Lauren Freede
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.078 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills Wednesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. David William West
  • Bachelor
3.02.075 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills (Rush) Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 in Bearbeitung
  • Bachelor
3.02.043 SÜ Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. phil. Julius Greve
  • Bachelor
3.02.020 V Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)
Dates on Wednesday, 16.07.2025 10:00 - 12:00

Lecture 2 Dr. Ilka Flöck, she/ her
  • Bachelor
3.02.511 Ü Betreuung des Praxisblocks vor Ort (GHR) im Unterrichtsfach Englisch (LA) The course times are not decided yet.
Exercises - Edeltraud Breiter
  • Master of Education
3.02.520 Ü Begleitung und Nachbereitung der Praxisphase GHR 300 im Unterrichtsfach Englisch (LIP) Dates on Friday, 07.03.2025, Friday, 04.04.2025, Friday, 25.04.2025, Friday, 09.05.2025, Friday, 23.05.2025, Friday, 13.06.2025, Friday, 27.06.2025 08:00 - 10:00, Thursday, 03.07.2025 - Friday, 04.07.2025 08:00 - 16:00, Location: A01 0-010 b, V03 0-C001
Exercises - Dr. Christian Kramer, he/him
Verena Weustermann
  • Master of Education
3.02.044 SÜ Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Thursday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michaela Keck
  • Bachelor
3.02.307 KO New Research on English Literatures and Cultures Wednesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Colloquium - Prof. Dr. Anton Kirchhofer
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.316 KO Research Colloquium in English Linguistics Friday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Colloquium 2 Dr. phil. Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.308 KO Anglistisches-Amerikanistisches Forschungskolloquium Thursday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Colloquium - Prof. Dr. Martin Butler
Prof. Dr. Anton Kirchhofer
  • Master
3.02.103 Ü Spoken English Monday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 Inga Zalyevska
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.025 Ü Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. phil. Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke
  • Bachelor
3.02.024 Ü Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Monday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. phil. Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke
  • Bachelor
3.02.160 S English as a second language: An experimental perspective Mittwoch: 08:00 - 10:00, wöchentlich (from 09/04/25)

Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Marcel Schlechtweg
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.048 SÜ Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Friday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Alena Cicholewski
  • Bachelor
3.02.081 Informationen zum Basismodul ang080 Friday: 15:00 - 15:30, weekly (from 10/01/25), Language Resource Blocks (revision)
Friday: 15:00 - 15:30, fortnightly (from 25/10/24), Language Resource Blocks
Dates on Monday, 14.10.2024 09:45 - 10:15, Wednesday, 12.02.2025 12:00 - 13:30

miscellaneous - Lauren Freede
Inga Zalyevska
Dylan Rhea Rush
Dr. David William West
  • Bachelor
3.02.003 Review: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning Part 2 Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Sylke Bakker
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.309 KO Research Colloquium in Language Use, Variation and Change Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Colloquium - Dr. Ilka Flöck, she/ her
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.191 S Dimensions of Diversity Monday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Seminar 2 Dr. Sylke Bakker
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.320 Informationen zum mam-Modul Sonderpädagogik The course times are not decided yet.
Die Masterarbeit sowie die dazugehörige Begleitveranstaltung werden in der Sonderpädagogik geschrieben, bzw. belegt. Die Masterarbeit sowie die dazugehörige Begleitveranstaltung werden in der Sonderpädagogik geschrieben, bzw. belegt.
miscellaneous - in Bearbeitung
  • Master of Education
3.02.027 Ü Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. phil. Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke
  • Bachelor
3.02.480 S Current Issues in ELT Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehring
  • Master of Education
3.02.482 S Teaching Advanced EFL Students Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Seminar 2 Dr. Sylke Bakker
  • Master of Education
3.02.930 S World Englishes Monday: 14:00 - 17:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Seminar - Prof. Dr. Ronald Geluykens
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.313 KO: Research Colloquium in Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies The course times are not decided yet.
Colloquium - in Bearbeitung
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.996 S Literary Theory for MA Students Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, fortnightly (from 08/04/25)

Seminar 1 Prof. Dr. Anton Kirchhofer
  • Master
3.02.029 Ü Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. phil. Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke
  • Bachelor
3.02.998 S Multiple Imaginations: Germany's Pasts and Presents – Part 1: Colonialism and Migration (LA) The course times are not decided yet.
In this seminar, we will work on different narratives about and representations of what is imagined – in different times and under different (political, social, economic) circumstances – as ‘Germany’. We will explore what ‘Germany’ supposedly is and gain a deeper understanding of it. Inspired by a cultural studies perspective we will look at what and who is represented by whom as ‘German(y)’, who and what is excluded by the narratives, what the specific circumstances for specific narratives are and which counter-narratives can be found. The aim of the seminar is not to study what is called ‘Germany’ or ‘Europe’ but to learn about representation and perspectives of (multiple) self-imaginations, how they are constructed in different narratives and which functions these imaginations serve. The focus of this seminar will be on imaginations that are connected to German and European colonialism and migration in different German eras. In the context of this seminar, we do a joint study trip to the museum Auswandererhaus (German Emigration Center) in Bremerhaven to explore different narratives and representations about Germany’s past and present connected to migration. With a selection of texts and short films we will examine issues of power relations, exclusion and inclusion, and their implications. In this seminar, we will work on different narratives about and representations of what is imagined – in different times and under different (political, social, economic) circumstances – as ‘Germany’. We will explore what ‘Germany’ supposedly is and gain a deeper understanding of it. Inspired by a cultural studies perspective we will look at what and who is represented by whom as ‘German(y)’, who and what is excluded by the narratives, what the specific circumstances for specific narratives are and which counter-narratives can be found. The aim of the seminar is not to study what is called ‘Germany’ or ‘Europe’ but to learn about representation and perspectives of (multiple) self-imaginations, how they are constructed in different narratives and which functions these imaginations serve. The focus of this seminar will be on imaginations that are connected to German and European colonialism and migration in different German eras. In the context of this seminar, we do a joint study trip to the museum Auswandererhaus (German Emigration Center) in Bremerhaven to explore different narratives and representations about Germany’s past and present connected to migration. With a selection of texts and short films we will examine issues of power relations, exclusion and inclusion, and their implications.
Seminar - Sunday Omwenyeke
  • Master
3.02.312 KO Postcolonial Studies: Theories, Literatures and Media Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Colloquium - Prof. Dr. Julia Wurr
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.115 Ü Written English Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. David William West
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.045 SÜ Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michaela Keck
  • Bachelor
3.02.401 Ü English for Educational Purposes Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 Inga Zalyevska
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.403 Ü English for Educational Purposes (Rush) Wednesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 in Bearbeitung
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.004 Review: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning Part 2 Wednesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Sylke Bakker
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.070 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 Lauren Freede
  • Bachelor
3.02.046 SÜ Key Concepts in Cultural Studies Thursday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Christian Lassen
  • Bachelor
3.02.032 Ü Repetitorium: Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Ilka Flöck, she/ her
  • Bachelor
3.02.404 Ü English for Educational Purposes Thursday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 Inga Zalyevska
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.221 S Physics and Fiction Wednesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

You can find a list of books to buy and our syllabus here: You can find a list of books to buy and our syllabus here:
Seminar 2 Dr. Anna Auguscik
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Petra Groß, Ph.D.
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.028 Ü Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language Part 2 Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. phil. Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke
  • Bachelor
3.02.210 Informationen zum Kombinationsmodul The course times are not decided yet.
miscellaneous - in Bearbeitung
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.072 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 Lauren Freede
  • Bachelor
3.02.990 S American History on Film Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Martin Butler
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.071 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 08/04/25)

Exercises 2 Lauren Freede
  • Bachelor
3.02.101 Ü Spoken English (Rush) Thursday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

Exercises 2 in Bearbeitung
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.080 Ü Academic Speaking and Writing Skills Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 11/04/25)

Exercises 2 Inga Zalyevska
  • Bachelor
3.02.002 Review: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning Part 2 Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)

Exercises 2 Dr. Christian Kramer, he/him
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
3.02.402 Ü English for Educational Purposes (Rush) Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)

Exercises 2 in Bearbeitung
  • Master of Education
  • Master
3.02.130 S Experimental Community: Literary Practice and Visual Culture at Black Mountain College Thursday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

COURSE DESCRIPTION AND GOALS: In the history of colonialism, encounters and shifting power relations between incoming colonisers and the colonies’ indigenous populations have always played a pivotal role. They have also left a lasting, far-reaching impact that has endured long beyond the formal end of imperialism, into the post-independence histories, cultures, economies and politics of formerly colonised countries. This is especially the case in former ‘settler colonies’ where colonising incomers came to outweigh the indigenous peoples demographically and culturally – for instance in North America, Australia, and New Zealand. Despite the immense cultural and geographical differences between them, indigenous peoples in all those countries have often faced similar problems in their attempts to deal with those (post)colonial situations. This has given rise to ‘Comparative Indigenous Studies’ as a field of academic knowledge production. Comparative perspectives have also informed various projects of political and cultural activism (e.g. in order to intervene in post-colonial public memory discourses, build solidarity, form coalitions and learn from each other’s strategies), as well as literary productions. Comparative perspectives necessarily involve looking beyond one’s own particular culture, even if this is often done with the aim of safeguarding the latter’s specific ethnic traditions and rights. Such outward-looking perspectives have also been associated with a stance that is often called “indigenous cosmopolitanism” – but the cosmopolitan can also go further: beyond ‘merely’ seeking connections with other indigenous peoples, it can also involve an espousal of other transnational and transcultural connections. This course will provide an introduction to these issues, combining regionally specific introductions to selected indigenous cultures from different parts of the globe with comparative perspectives on (potentially) shared problems and strategies, an exploration of trans-indigenous alliances and solidarities, as well as analyses of texts that espouse various kinds of cosmopolitanism. Key topics for our discussions include colonial experiences and trauma, hybridity, survivance, educational and language debates, cultures of memory, interfaces of localism and translocalism, political solidarities, as well as the develop¬ment of new cultural forms. We will also investigate potential problems which comparative and cosmopolitan visions may involve. We will use a wide range of sources, including history and memory discourse, literary texts, statements by politicians and activists, and academic theory. Regions we’ll look at will definitely include (parts of) North American, Australia and New Zealand. Additional comparative perspectives (also on countries with smaller proportions of settlers, e.g. some of the smaller Pacific Islands) may also be included. SET TEXTS: Most of our set texts (literary & non-literary texts, filmic material, etc.) will be relatively short, and their selection will be finalised in consultation with students; to leave enough room for students to choose their own foci of interest. As a starting point, only a single text has already been set, of which you should definitely get a copy (but you don’t need to read this until after mid-December, by which time you’ll have the requisite background knowledge). It is: • Witi Ihimaera, “The Thrill of Falling” (a Maori novella from New Zealand), in Ihimaera, The Thrill of Falling, Auckland: Vintage 2012, pp. 208-312. (In Germany, this is only available as an e-book at present, but the e-book comes in different formats (see publisher’s website for an overview:, and at least some of those formats (e.g. Amazon Kindle; price c.7 €) can also be read without an e-book reader, via a normal computer via a free app. So you should be able to purchase & read it OK. If you have problems with the e-book format, please contact S. Stroh for emergency advice. We’ll also purchase a copy of the book for the departmental library (Semesterapparat), as another emergency fall-back.) Most of our other set texts, once chosen, will be made available via our online course platform Stud.IP. OPTIONAL EXTRA READING: If you would like to do some preliminary / extra reading on social and literary history, and/or need advice on texts to read in preparation for your presentations, you will be able to access a bibliography of key introductory texts on Stud.IP from the beginning of term onwards. Some of those texts will also be made available via our course bookshelf in the university library. COURSE DESCRIPTION AND GOALS: In the history of colonialism, encounters and shifting power relations between incoming colonisers and the colonies’ indigenous populations have always played a pivotal role. They have also left a lasting, far-reaching impact that has endured long beyond the formal end of imperialism, into the post-independence histories, cultures, economies and politics of formerly colonised countries. This is especially the case in former ‘settler colonies’ where colonising incomers came to outweigh the indigenous peoples demographically and culturally – for instance in North America, Australia, and New Zealand. Despite the immense cultural and geographical differences between them, indigenous peoples in all those countries have often faced similar problems in their attempts to deal with those (post)colonial situations. This has given rise to ‘Comparative Indigenous Studies’ as a field of academic knowledge production. Comparative perspectives have also informed various projects of political and cultural activism (e.g. in order to intervene in post-colonial public memory discourses, build solidarity, form coalitions and learn from each other’s strategies), as well as literary productions. Comparative perspectives necessarily involve looking beyond one’s own particular culture, even if this is often done with the aim of safeguarding the latter’s specific ethnic traditions and rights. Such outward-looking perspectives have also been associated with a stance that is often called “indigenous cosmopolitanism” – but the cosmopolitan can also go further: beyond ‘merely’ seeking connections with other indigenous peoples, it can also involve an espousal of other transnational and transcultural connections. This course will provide an introduction to these issues, combining regionally specific introductions to selected indigenous cultures from different parts of the globe with comparative perspectives on (potentially) shared problems and strategies, an exploration of trans-indigenous alliances and solidarities, as well as analyses of texts that espouse various kinds of cosmopolitanism. Key topics for our discussions include colonial experiences and trauma, hybridity, survivance, educational and language debates, cultures of memory, interfaces of localism and translocalism, political solidarities, as well as the develop¬ment of new cultural forms. We will also investigate potential problems which comparative and cosmopolitan visions may involve. We will use a wide range of sources, including history and memory discourse, literary texts, statements by politicians and activists, and academic theory. Regions we’ll look at will definitely include (parts of) North American, Australia and New Zealand. Additional comparative perspectives (also on countries with smaller proportions of settlers, e.g. some of the smaller Pacific Islands) may also be included. SET TEXTS: Most of our set texts (literary & non-literary texts, filmic material, etc.) will be relatively short, and their selection will be finalised in consultation with students; to leave enough room for students to choose their own foci of interest. As a starting point, only a single text has already been set, of which you should definitely get a copy (but you don’t need to read this until after mid-December, by which time you’ll have the requisite background knowledge). It is: • Witi Ihimaera, “The Thrill of Falling” (a Maori novella from New Zealand), in Ihimaera, The Thrill of Falling, Auckland: Vintage 2012, pp. 208-312. (In Germany, this is only available as an e-book at present, but the e-book comes in different formats (see publisher’s website for an overview:, and at least some of those formats (e.g. Amazon Kindle; price c.7 €) can also be read without an e-book reader, via a normal computer via a free app. So you should be able to purchase & read it OK. If you have problems with the e-book format, please contact S. Stroh for emergency advice. We’ll also purchase a copy of the book for the departmental library (Semesterapparat), as another emergency fall-back.) Most of our other set texts, once chosen, will be made available via our online course platform Stud.IP. OPTIONAL EXTRA READING: If you would like to do some preliminary / extra reading on social and literary history, and/or need advice on texts to read in preparation for your presentations, you will be able to access a bibliography of key introductory texts on Stud.IP from the beginning of term onwards. Some of those texts will also be made available via our course bookshelf in the university library.
Seminar 2 Dr. phil. Julius Greve
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
110 Seminars
