Informationen für Gasthörende

Informationen für Gasthörende

Zu erwartende TeilnehmerInnenzahl:
Donnerstag: 12:15 - 13:45, wöchentlich (ab 13.04.2023), Ort: (online)
Donnerstag: 12:15 - 13:45, wöchentlich (13x)
Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
Die Veranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache gehalten. Sichere Beherrschung des Englischen auf dem CEF-Niveau C1 ist erforderlich.
Angaben zum Inhalt:
Unlike many other disciplines in the humanities, linguistics has a very empirical research tradition. To get the data needed for empirical research, there are various methods of data collection which all come with a number of limitations and advantages. In this course, we will introduce and evaluate different methods of data collection, making you familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of them all and discuss critically the suitability for your research questions. In the lecture, we will guide students to develop different methodological skills and competences, such as: - the ability to formulate a valid (and manageable) research question - the ability to choose the appropriate approach to answering this research question (i.e. e.g. qualitative vs. quantitative research) - the ability to choose the appropriate method(s) of data collection to answer this question - the ability to choose the appropriate participants/ language corpus to answer this question - the ability to analyse the data - the ability to choose and present relevant results and to structure linguistic papers