Informationen für Gasthörende

Informationen für Gasthörende

Montag: 08:00 - 10:00, wöchentlich (ab 14.10.2019), Vorlesung, Ort: (W3 1-130)
(W3 1-130)
Montag: 08:00 - 10:00, wöchentlich (14x)
Angaben zum Inhalt:
This lecture will be conducted in English. It is composed of three parts. In the introduction part intermolecular forces will be defined, classified and characterized. Methods of measurement of intermolecular forces will be introduced. In the second part of the lecture the impact of long-range and short-range intermolecular interactions such as Van der Waals interactions, electrostatic interactions between particles in liquids, DLVO (Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeeck) theory will be characterized. Impact of short-range solvation, hydrophobic and hydrophilic forces on the aggregation phenomena in liquids will be discussed. Finally, the steric forces and thermal fluctuations appearing in soft matter (polymers) in solutions and at interfaces will be discussed. In the third part of the lecture the thermodynamic backgrounds of self-assembly processes will be described. The impact of intermolecular forces between amphiphilic molecules, polymers and solvents on the structure, volume and shape of supramolecular aggregates will be discussed. Following examples will be analyzed: polymer assemblies on surfaces, 3-dimesntional structures of lipid aggregates, proteins, DNA and liquid crystals.