gsw050 - Current Topics of Genetics

gsw050 - Current Topics of Genetics

Originalfassung Englisch PDF Download
Modulbezeichnung Current Topics of Genetics
Modulkürzel gsw050
Kreditpunkte 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Einrichtungsverzeichnis Department für Humanmedizin
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls
  • Master's Programme Molecular Biomedicine (Master) > Background Modules
Zuständige Personen
  • Ebbers, Lena (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Ebbers, Lena (Modulverantwortung)
Enrolment in Master´s programme Molecular Biomedicine
++ deepened biological expertise
++ deepened knowledge of biological working methods
  + data analysis skills
  + interdisciplinary thinking
++ critical and analytical thinking
++ independent searching and knowledge of scientific literature
++ data presentation and discussion (written and spoken)
  + team work
imparting of newest methods and "Hot Topics" in genetics (epigenetics, non-coding RNAs (also with reference to associated diseases)), genome editing, prospects and limitations of studying animal models/organoid cultures of human genetic disease, gene therapy, etc.

reading/analyzing current literature in the field
Klug, Cummings, Spencer, Palladio, Killian, "Concepts of Genetics", Pearson, 2019
Strachan and Read, "Human molecular genetics", CRC Press, 2019
Current publications in genetics journals (e.g. Frontiers in Genetics, Trends in Genetics, PLOS Genetics, Nature Genetics, etc.)
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Dauer in Semestern 1 Semester
Angebotsrhythmus Modul Second half of the winter semester
Aufnahmekapazität Modul 20
Modulart Wahlpflicht / Elective
Modullevel MM (Mastermodul / Master module)
Lehr-/Lernform Lecture and Seminar
Vorkenntnisse basic knowledge in genetics
Lehrveranstaltungsform Kommentar SWS Angebotsrhythmus Workload Präsenz
Vorlesung 2 SoSe 28
Seminar 2 SoSe 28
Präsenzzeit Modul insgesamt 56 h
Prüfung Prüfungszeiten Prüfungsform
graded: written examination (50%), portfolio (50%, concept paper and short presentation),
ungraded: technical implementation of the concept paper (production of digital content for science communication (video/podcast))

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