wcm150 - Selected Topics in River and Coastal Development

wcm150 - Selected Topics in River and Coastal Development

Originalfassung Englisch PDF Download
Modulbezeichnung Selected Topics in River and Coastal Development
Modulkürzel wcm150
Kreditpunkte 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Einrichtungsverzeichnis Department für WiRe (VWL)
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls
  • Master Water and Coastal Management (Master) > Bereich Planning
Zuständige Personen
  • Siebenhüner, Bernd (Modulverantwortung)
  • Mose, Ingo (Modulverantwortung)
  • Mose, Ingo (Prüfungsberechtigt)
The participants shall gain a differentiated understanding of the planning challenges of Water and River Management using selected national and international examples. While so, they will be granted insight to actual planning tasks and the implemented conflicts and get into contact with concerned stakeholders.
Greater London and the River Thames Selected questions of Water and River Management on the example of the River Thames in the Greater London Area, for example drinking water production, flood protection, nature conservation, water-oriented leisure activities and the revitalization of the (former) ports of London. Bremen and the River Weser Selected questions of Water and River Management on the example of the River Weser in the Bremen area, for example flood protection, nature conservation, water-oriented leisure activities and the revitalization of the former ports of Bremen.
A list of relevant literature will be provided at the beginning of the course.
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Dauer in Semestern 2 Semester
Angebotsrhythmus Modul halbjährlich
Aufnahmekapazität Modul unbegrenzt
Visit of sites representative for good practice in River and Water Management; interaction and discussion with local researchers and practitioners
Modulart Wahlpflicht / Elective
Modullevel MM (Mastermodul / Master module)
Lehr-/Lernform Seminar and field trips
Prüfung Prüfungszeiten Prüfungsform
Lehrveranstaltungsform Seminar

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