ökb740 - Corporate bylaws and employment relations

ökb740 - Corporate bylaws and employment relations

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Module label Corporate bylaws and employment relations
Modulkürzel ökb740
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Institute directory Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (Economics Education)
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls
  • Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium) Politics-Economics (Master of Education) > Ökonomische Bildung
Zuständige Personen
  • Schröder, Rudolf (module responsibility)
  • Lehrenden, Die im Modul (Prüfungsberechtigt)
Completed foundation curriculum (Bachelor's) and successful completion of at least two advanced modules (Bachelor's)
Skills to be acquired in this module
• should recognise the significance of the corporate constitution for the commercial activities of companies and for the various parties within the companies
• investigate the extent to which the corporate constitution determines how companies can use the freedom of action and decision that the economic system allows
• find out who in the company may, or should, decide on what matters, according to which rules
• reflect on the fundamental normative problem of the corporate constitution and critically discuss the issue of legitimacy and possibilities for further development
• analyse labour relations and the extent to which they are of key importance to economic life and to work in the company
• critically discuss the German system of relations between employers and employees and the main components of that system
• reflect on current developments and issues, as well as aspects of the existing system that require change or reform
• should critically consider the structures of the system and the behaviour of the parties involved.
Module contents
1) The corporate constitution
• Fundamental issues of the corporate constitution
• Capitalist enterprise and managerial enterprise
• Co-determination at the company level
• Co-determination at works level
• Environmental protection and the corporate constitution

2) Labour relations
• System of relations between employers and employees
• Regulatory levels of labour relations
• Development perspectives compared internationally
Oechsler, Walter A. (2015): Arbeitsbeziehungen in Unternehmen, Oldenburg: Institut für Ökonomische Bildung Breisig, T. (2009): Personal, 3. aktualisierte Auflage, Oldenburg: Institut für Ökonomische Bildung Staehle, W.H./Conrad, P./Sydow, J. (2015): Management. Eine verhaltenswissenschaftliche Perspektive, 9. Auflage, München: Vahlen. Maties, M. (2015): Arbeitsrecht, 5. Auflage, München: Beck.
Language of instruction German
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency jährlich
Module capacity 30
Reference text
Im Lehrenden-Jour-Fix zu Beginn des Semesters wird abgestimmt und festgelegt, mit Hilfe welcher Prüfungsform die Modulprüfung durchgeführt wird. Dies wird zu Beginn der Veranstaltungen den Studierenden erläutert.
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module
Anmeldung zur Modulprüfung über Stud.IP erforderlich - Prüfungstermin und Prüfungsart siehe Stud.IP: https://elearning.uni-oldenburg.de/plugins.php/pruefungenplugin/studentpruefungen/current
At the beginning of the semester, in the ‘Jour Fixe’ meeting for teaching staff, it is discussed and established what form the module examination should take. Students are notified accordingly at the beginning of the module.
Lehrveranstaltungsform Seminar
Sie müssen beide Veranstaltungen belegen!
Frequency SoSe oder WiSe
Workload Präsenzzeit 56 h
