neu600 - Neuroscience Research Project

neu600 - Neuroscience Research Project

Originalfassung Englisch PDF Download
Modulbezeichnung Neuroscience Research Project
Modulkürzel neu600
Kreditpunkte 15.0 KP
Workload 450 h

2 SWS Seminar (SE)
28 h contact / 62 h reading and presentation preparation

8 SWS Research Internship (IFP)
120 h contact / 120 h independent lab work / 30 h data analysis / 60 h preparation of written internship report / 30 h science communication workshop with poster preparation and presentation)

Einrichtungsverzeichnis Department für Neurowissenschaften
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls
  • Master Neuroscience (Master) > Research Modules
Zuständige Personen
  • Kretzberg, Jutta (Modulverantwortung)
  • der Neuroscience, Lehrende (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Bräuer, Anja (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Debener, Stefan (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Herrmann, Christoph Siegfried (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Kranczioch-Debener, Cornelia (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Özyurt, Jale Nur (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Puschmann, Sebastian (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Milenkovic, Ivan (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Sörös, Peter (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Lücke, Jörg (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Ruigendijk, Esther (Prüfungsberechtigt)
Weitere verantwortliche Personen
all MSc Neuroscience teachers, see list of examinors
Depending on project choice, please check Stud.IP and ask the supervisor. Module can be taken multiple times, however, supervision of individual projects is limited to 45 ECTS for the same combination of student and supervisor (1 research module + Master thesis OR up to 3 research modules, including external research projects)

+ Neurosci. knowlg.

++ Expt. Methods

++ Independent research

++ Scient. Literature

+ Social skills

+ Interdiscipl. knowlg.

+ Maths/Stats/Progr.

+ Data present./disc.

+ Scientific English

+ Ethics

Students perform individual research projects to learn:

  • planning and organization of a research project in a group outside of University of
  • Oldenburg
  • formulate a scientific hypothesis
  • planning, performing and analyzing experiments and / or simulations
  • working with scientific background literature on the specific context of the project
  • oral presentation and discussion of backgrounds and results in the lab seminar
  • write a scientific report
  • prepare and present a scientific poster

Module may serve as preparation for a Master's thesis.


The Research Module is carried out under the guidance and supervision of a member of the Neuroscience faculty at the University of Oldenburg (see list of examiners). It comprises approximately 7 (minimum 5) weeks of experimental or theoretical work, individually or in small groups, and  a regular seminar for training, reporting and feedback advice during that time. Students can choose between many options of individual projects, offered by the different groups involved in the MSc Neuroscience study program.

Research questions, methods and approaches differ between individual projects. Please refer to the list of options in Stud.IP and contact potential supervisors directly.

The timing of projects is by individual arrangement with the supervisor. Many, but not all, project options can also be scheduled during semester breaks, and / or as part-time options (lasting more than 7 weeks).

Note that, for some options, priority for admission to the project is given to students who passed a background module offered by the supervisor

Participation in the Stud.IP workshop on science communication ( and a poster presentation at the biology & neuroscience student poster symposium is not mandatory but highly recommended.

Provided by the supervisor, depending on the project.
Dauer in Semestern 1 Semester
Angebotsrhythmus Modul every semester
Aufnahmekapazität Modul unbegrenzt (
no restriction
Modulart Wahlpflicht / Elective
Modullevel MM (Mastermodul / Master module)
Vorkenntnisse Depending on selected option – please contact the supervisor
Lehrveranstaltungsform Kommentar SWS Angebotsrhythmus Workload Präsenz
Projektpraktikum 8 SoSe oder WiSe 112
Seminar 2 SoSe oder WiSe 28
Präsenzzeit Modul insgesamt 140 h
Prüfung Prüfungszeiten Prüfungsform
  • within 2 months after conclusion of lab work
  • in addition, mandatory but ungraded: presentation at lab seminar
Internship report

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