Course catalogue

Course catalogue

Course catalogue

English - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium)

Section Module Module component Semester
1 2 3 4
ang701 - English Language Teaching Course selection (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU/Projekt))    
ang900 - English Skills for Proficiency Exercises (1 UE im WS + 1 UE im SoSe)
ang932 - Language and Society Seminar (1 - 2 Lehrveranstaltungen)  
ang952 - Psycholinguistics: Language and the Mind Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU/Projekt))  
ang962 - Formal and Functional Linguistics Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU/Projekt))  
ang972 - Culture and Difference Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU/Projekt))  
ang982 - The Canon and the Margins Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU/Projekt))  
ang992 - Media and Markets Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU/Projekt))  
mam - Master´s Thesis Module Colloquium